
Catastrophe scenario


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While the 'environmental damage' tort has just entered French law at the end of the Erika trial (from the name of the oil tanker which sank off the French coast in 1999), there is no denying that Europe is still sheltered from certain maritime disasters. Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot found it easy to reiterate that the Erika I and Erika II legislative packages have already allowed for the (progressive) eradication of floating rust buckets (single-hull ships), but everything is not up to scratch. It has now been three years since the European Commission presented the ambitious Erika III after the sinking of the Prestige in Spain. But member states are still dragging their feet oyer its adoption. Undeniably, out of the seven legislative proposals, five have been the subject of a political agreement of the EU27, but the question of compensation for victims (in particular) delays the implementation of this new legislative arsenal month after month. It is nonetheless by imposing high financial sanctions on ship owners, charterers and ship certification companies that they end up holding operators responsible, reiterates the Commission - without discussing the creation of 'safe havens' whose final designation is not in sight. A safe haven, however, would have allowed for a limit to the damage after the sinking of the Prestige.
机译:虽然“环境破坏”侵权行为在埃里卡审判结束时才刚刚进入法国法律(以1999年在法国海岸沉没的油轮的名称为准),但无可否认,欧洲仍然可以抵御某些海难。运输专员雅克·巴罗特(Jacques Barrot)很容易重申,埃里卡一世(Erika I)和埃里卡二世(Erika II)的立法方案已经(逐步)消除了浮动防锈桶(单壳船),但一切都还不够。自从欧洲声誉在西班牙沉没之后,欧洲委员会提出了雄心勃勃的埃里卡三世,已经过去了三年。但是,成员国一旦采纳,仍在拖延脚步。不可否认,在七项立法提案中,有五项成为欧盟27项政治协议的主题,但是(特别是)对受害者的赔偿问题却拖延了这个新立法库的实施。委员会重申,正是通过对船东,承租人和船舶认证公司实施严厉的财务制裁,他们最终要求运营人承担责任,却没有讨论创建最终名称不明确的“安全港”。但是,只要避难所就可以限制威望击沉后的损失。



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