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On the Schröder equation and iterative sequences of Cn n rn diffeomorphisms in {mathbb{R}^{N}} space

机译:在{mathbb {R} ^ {N}}空间中Cn n rn亚纯性的Schröder方程和迭代序列

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Let ({U subset mathbb{R}^{N}}) be a neighbourhood of the origin and a function ({F:Urightarrow U}) be of class C r , r≥ 2, F(0)=0. Denote by F n the n-th iterate of F and let ({0<|s_1|leq cdots leq|s_N| <1 }) , where ({s_1, ldots , s_N}) are the eigenvalues of dF(0). Assume that the Schröder equation ({varphi(F(x))=Svarphi(x)}) , where S:=dF(0) has a C 2 solution φ such that dφ(0)=id. If ({frac{log|s_1|}{log|s_N|} <2 }) then the sequence {S −n F n (x)} converges for every point x from the basin of attraction of F to a C 2 solution φ of (1). If ({2leqfrac{log|s_1|}{log|s_N|} }) then this sequence can be diverging. In this case we give some sufficient conditions for the convergence and divergence of the sequence {S −n F n (x)}. Moreover, we show that if F is of class C r and ({r>big[frac{log|s_1|}{log|s_N|} big ]:=p geq 2}) then every C r solution of the Schröder equation such that dφ(0)=id is given by the formula$$begin{array}{ll}varphi (x)={limlimits_{n rightarrow infty}} (S^{-n}F^n(x) + {sumlimits _{k=2}^{p}} S^{-n}L_k (F^n(x))),end{array}$$where ({L_k:mathbb{R}^{N} rightarrow mathbb{R}^{N}}) are some homogeneous polynomials of degree k, which are determined by the differentials d (j) F(0) for 1
机译:令({U子集mathbb {R} ^ {N}})为原点的邻域,函数({F:Urightarrow U})的类为C r,r≥2,F(0)= 0。用F n表示F的第n个迭代,并令({0 <| s_1 | leq cdots leq | s_N | <1}),其中({s_1,ldots,s_N})是dF(0)的特征值。假定Schröder方程({varphi(F(x))= Svarphi(x)}),其中S:= dF(0)具有C 2解φ,使得dφ(0)= id。如果({frac {log | s_1 |} {log | s_N |} <2}),则序列{S -n F n(x)}从F的吸引盆到C 2解的每个点x收敛。 (1)的φ。如果({2leqfrac {log | s_1 |} {log | s_N |}}),则此序列可能会发散。在这种情况下,我们为序列{S -n F n(x)}的收敛和发散提供了一些充分的条件。此外,我们证明,如果F属于C r类并且({r> big [frac {log | s_1 |} {log | s_N |} big]:= p geq 2})},那么Schröder方程的每个C r解这样dφ(0)= id由公式$$ begin {array} {ll} varphi(x)= {limlimits_ {n rightarrow infty}}(S ^ {-n} F ^ n(x)+ { sumlimits _ {k = 2} ^ {p}} S ^ {-n} L_k(F ^ n(x))),end {array} $$ where({L_k:mathbb {R} ^ {N} rightarrow mathbb {R} ^ {N}})是度数为k的一些齐次多项式,由多项式d(j)F(0)决定1



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