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YOUR HEALTH Beyond the Bite


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Susan Sheldon's husband thrashed wildly about the kitchen trying to kill the one mosquito that, he believed, bit him four times. "You have to keep the door closed," he growled as he finally managed to swat the insect in mid-air. Sheldon, who was worried about the West Nile virus, argued that her husband should have put up the screens. The truth is that it's very unlikely that this particular mosquito was infected. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), even in areas where mosquitoes do carry West Nile virus, only about one in 500 are carriers. If Sheldon's husband were actually infected, he probably would not even know it. Most people who do contract the disease experience very mild symptoms―or none at all. Over the five- to 15-day incubation period, Sheldon would watch for high fever, disorientation, muscle weakness, headache or nausea. Only about one infected person in 150 becomes seriously ill with a central nervous system infection such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the membrane surrounding the brain). If a serious West Nile-related infection does occur, it is fatal in only eight percent of cases, mostly among seniors.
机译:苏珊·谢尔顿(Susan Sheldon)的丈夫在厨房里疯狂挥舞,试图杀死一只蚊子,他相信这只蚊子咬了他四次。 “你必须把门关上。”他咆哮着,终于设法在空中拍打了昆虫。担心西尼罗河病毒的谢尔登(Sheldon)辩称,她的丈夫应该摆好银幕。事实是,这种特殊的蚊子极不可能被感染。根据疾病预防控制中心(CDC)的数据,即使在蚊子确实携带西尼罗河病毒的地区,也只有大约五分之一的携带者。如果谢尔顿的丈夫确实被感染,他甚至可能都不知道。大多数确实患有这种疾病的人会出现非常轻微的症状-或根本没有症状。在5到15天的潜伏期中,Sheldon会注意发烧,迷失方向,肌肉无力,头痛或恶心。在150名感染者中,只有大约1名受感染的人患有中枢神经系统感染,例如脑炎(脑部发炎)或脑膜炎(脑部周围膜发炎)。如果确实发生了与西尼罗河有关的严重感染,那么只有百分之八的病例是致命的,大部分是老年人。



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