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Bunker Hill Mining Corp. Pursues Acid Wastewater Treatment Costs

机译:Bunker Hill Mining Corp.追求酸性废水处理费用

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A Canadian corporation that operates Bunker Hill Mine in Idaho wants companies running a nearby mine to chip in for the costs of treating acidic wastewater, according to a complaint infederal district court.Bunker Hill Mining Corp.'s collection and drainage system prevents pollutants from reaching Bunker Creek and the south fork of the Coeur d’Alene River. The company paid theEnvironmental Protection Agency’s past water treatment costs for acidic mine drainage from Bunker Hill Mine and Crescent Mine, amounting to $1 million, the complaint filed in the U.S.District Court for the District of Idaho said.Gold Finder Exploration Ltd., Northstar Energy LLC, and United Silver Corp. have either owned property interests associated with or operated Crescent Mine, east of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.Water from Bunker Hill and Crescent is routed through the Kellogg Tunnel and treated at a plant operated by the EPA. About 20% of the discharged water comes from Crescent Mine, thecomplaint said.



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