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Node-based parallel computing of three-dimensional incompressible flows using the free mesh method


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The present report discusses node-based parallel computing of three-dimensional incompressible flows using a node-based finite element method named the free mesh method (FMM). The FMM has two advantages over the finite element method. One advantage of the FMM is that this method is quite suitable for massively parallel computing because all computational procedures, from the mesh generation to the solution of a system of equations, can be performed in parallel in terms of nodes. Another advantage of the FMM is that finite element mesh is not required as input data so that the analyst need only prepare data concerning the nodes in the analysis domain. The present method is implemented on distributed memory systems, such as a parallel supercomputer Hitachi SR8000. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by computing a lid-driven cavity problem. A numerical example is used to show that the FMM can achieve high parallel performance by a simple distribution operation of computational loads among multiprocessors.
机译:本报告讨论了使用名为自由网格方法(FMM)的基于节点的有限元方法对三维不可压缩流进行基于节点的并行计算。与有限元方法相比,FMM具有两个优点。 FMM的一个优点是该方法非常适合大规模并行计算,因为从网格生成到方程式解的所有计算过程都可以在节点上并行执行。 FMM的另一个优点是,不需要有限元网格作为输入数据,因此分析人员仅需要准备与分析域中的节点有关的数据。本方法在诸如并行超级计算机日立SR8000的分布式存储系统上实现。通过计算盖子驱动的空腔问题证明了该方法的性能。数值示例表明,通过在多处理器之间进行简单的计算负载分配操作,FMM可以实现较高的并行性能。



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