首页> 外文期刊>Energy for sustainable development >The use of fuelwood market segmentation and product differentiation to assess opportunities and value: A Nicaraguan case study

The use of fuelwood market segmentation and product differentiation to assess opportunities and value: A Nicaraguan case study


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Fuelwood is generally assumed to be a commodity in the development literature, thus overlooking the possibility of catering to niche markets that could potentially be served more efficiently. Identifying and better catering to niche market segments through product differentiation can play an important role in increasing the income of those involved in the fuelwood supply chaia The objective of this paper was to evaluate the role of market segmentation and product differentiation within the fuelwood industry and how it affects both market opportunities and value. This is illustrated using a case study of the largest fuelwood consuming cottage industry in the department of Madriz, Nicaragua. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 21 fuelwood consuming business owners to obtain information on 1) the business itself and their fuelwood purchasing preferences; and 2) questions relating to fuelwood demand and prices. This information was complimented with the measurement of fuelwood purchasing units and logs in order to calculate solid wood volumes and product segment characteristics. We found that bakeries consumed four differentiated fuelwood products, mostly defined by the small-end diameter of the logs, each of which was valued differently. Differences in fuelwood product preferences were found when the market was segmented by municipality and by the number of wood-fired ovens operated by individual bakeries. This study highlights the existence of product differentiation within the fuelwood market and the potential of identifying niche markets to help fuelwood producers increase their income. Although traditionally assumed to be a commodity, different fuelwood consumers value different characteristics and attributes in fuelwood and are willing to pay different prices based on this differentiation. Taking this into account was important for determining market value. Such considerations should be taken into account when evaluating market opportunities and value within fuelwood markets, particularly in a developing country context.
机译:在发展文献中通常将薪柴视为商品,因此忽略了迎合可能更有效地服务于利基市场的可能性。通过产品差异识别和更好地适应细分市场可以在增加薪材供应混乱者的收入中发挥重要作用。本文的目的是评估薪材行业中市场细分和产品差异的作用以及如何它影响市场机会和价值。尼加拉瓜马德里兹省最大的消耗木柴家庭工业案例研究表明了这一点。对21个薪材消耗企业所有者进行了半结构化访谈,以获取以下信息:1)业务本身及其薪材购买偏好; 2)有关薪材需求和价格的问题。此信息与薪材采购单位和原木的测量相辅相成,以便计算实木量和产品细分特性。我们发现,面包店消耗了四种差异化的薪柴产品,主要由原木的小端直径定义,每一种的价值均不同。当按市政府和各个面包房经营的燃木烤箱数量进行细分时,发现薪柴产品的偏好存在差异。这项研究强调了薪材市场中产品差异化的存在以及确定利基市场以帮助薪材生产商增加收入的潜力。尽管传统上假定是商品,但不同的薪材消费者对薪材具有不同的特性和属性,并愿意根据这种差异支付不同的价格。考虑到这一点对于确定市场价值很重要。在评估薪材市场内的市场机会和价值时,尤其是在发展中国家,应考虑这些因素。



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