首页> 外文期刊>Endocrine journal >Inverse Correlation between the Changes of Lumbar Bone Mineral Density and Serum Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin after Vitamin K_2 (Menatetrenone) Treatment in Children Treated with Glucocorticoid and Alfacalcidol

Inverse Correlation between the Changes of Lumbar Bone Mineral Density and Serum Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin after Vitamin K_2 (Menatetrenone) Treatment in Children Treated with Glucocorticoid and Alfacalcidol


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We have reported that alfacalcidol plus menatetrenone, a vitamin K_2 with four isoprene units (mena- quinone-4), treatment is useful for improving bone problems in children with skeletal unloading. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of menatetrenone on bone metabolism in long-term glucocorticoid-treated children with alfacalcidol treatment. Twenty children who had been treated with fixed dosages of prednisolone and al- facalcidol (0.03 μg/kg/day) for 24 weeks were enrolled in a prospective pilot study, and assigned to receive alfacal- cidol (0.03/μg/kg/day) or alfacalcidol (0.03 μg/kg/day) plus menatetrenone (approximately 2 mg/kg/day).
机译:我们已经报道过,阿法骨化醇加甲萘醌(一种具有四个异戊二烯单元(甲萘醌-4)的维生素K_2)的治疗方法对于改善骨骼卸载患儿的骨骼问题很有用。这项研究的目的是评估长期使用糖皮质激素治疗的儿童使用阿法骨化醇对甲萘醌对骨代谢的影响。二十名接受固定剂量泼尼松龙和阿法骨化醇(0.03μg/ kg /天)治疗的儿童参加了为期24周的前瞻性研究,并分配接受阿法西多(0.03 /μg/ kg /天)的治疗。或阿法骨化醇(0.03μg/ kg /天)加上menatetrenone(约2 mg / kg /天)。



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