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Investigating the learning challenges presented by digital technologies to the College of Education in Kuwait University


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There is now widespread recognition that digital technologies, particularly portable hand held devices capable of Internet connection, present opportunities and challenges to the way in which student learning is organized in schools, colleges and institutions of higher education in the 21st Century. Traxler, Journal of the Research Centre for Educational Technology, 6(1), 3-15 (2010) suggests such devices are pervasive and ubiquitous, conspicuous and unobtrusive, noteworthy and taken-for-granted with everyone typically owning one, using one and often having more than one. As a consequence it has been argued that the availability of such devices, controlled mainly by the student and not the teacher, has the potential to change the traditional dynamics and pedagogical patterns of the learning environment (Burden et al. 2012). Education institutions, however, typically remain organized around spatial and temporal considerations such as buildings, timetables, calendars and internal structures which are designed to classify and manage students. In the case study reported here students and faculty teaching staff from the College of Education in the Kuwait University were surveyed in order to assess their access to such technologies, their capability to use them effectively in support of achieving planned learning outcomes and the implications for change that could emanate from such findings.
机译:现在,人们普遍认识到,数字技术,特别是能够连接互联网的便携式手持设备,给21世纪的学校,学院和高等教育机构中的学生学习方式带来了机遇和挑战。 Traxler,《教育技术研究中心杂志》,第6卷第1期,第3-15页(2010年)表明,此类设备无处不在,无处不在,引人注目且不引人注目,值得关注,并且每个人通常都拥有一个,使用一个和一个通常不止一个。结果,有人争辩说,这种设备的可用性主要由学生而不是老师控制,有可能改变学习环境的传统动力和教学模式(Burden等,2012)。但是,教育机构通常围绕空间和时间考虑因素进行组织,例如建筑物,时间表,日历和内部结构,这些对象旨在对学生进行分类和管理。在这里报道的案例研究中,对科威特大学教育学院的学生和教职员工进行了调查,以评估他们使用此类技术的能力,有效使用这些技术以支持实现计划的学习成果的能力以及对变革的影响从这些发现中可以得出结论。



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