AbstractMost countries stress that preparing quality teachers for twenty-first century students is an essential'/> Perceptions of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) among pre-service teachers in Estonia
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Perceptions of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) among pre-service teachers in Estonia


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AbstractMost countries stress that preparing quality teachers for twenty-first century students is an essential task for teacher training institutions. Besides the skills for how to teach subjects effectively, teachers should also know how to integrate digital technology into their teaching. Several studies have been done based on the TPACK framework. Some of these studies use this framework for specific subject domains. In this study a generally applicable instrument for measuring TPACK was created. The aim of the paper was to validate the created instrument and to find out how pre-service teachers perceive their technological, pedagogical and content knowledge regarding the TPACK framework in Estonia, in a technologically highly developed country where technology is broadly used in general education. Conducting factor analysis all items with technology merged into one factor meaning that young generation perceives technology already integrated with content and pedagogy. The results indicate that pre-service teachers lack pedagogical knowledge, but they perceive that they are good at integrating technology into their teaching. Differences in perceptions were also found according to gender, age and curricula.
机译: Abstract 大多数国家都强调,为二十一世纪的学生准备优质的老师是必不可少的教师培训机构的任务。除了有效教授学科的技能外,教师还应该知道如何将数字技术集成到他们的教学中。基于TPACK框架已进行了一些研究。这些研究中的一些将这种框架用于特定的学科领域。在这项研究中,创建了一种通用的测量TPACK的仪器。本文的目的是验证创建的工具,并找出在技术高度发达的普通教育中技术高度发达的国家,爱沙尼亚的TPACK框架有关职前教师如何看待其技术,教学和内容方面的知识。进行因素分析时,所有与技术融合的因素都融合为一个因素,这意味着年轻一代对已经与内容和教学法结合的技术感到满意。结果表明,职前教师缺乏教学知识,但他们认为自己擅长将技术整合到他们的教学中。在性别,年龄和课程方面,人们的看法也存在差异。



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