首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) >Emotion Analysis Model of MOOC Course Review Based on BiLSTM

Emotion Analysis Model of MOOC Course Review Based on BiLSTM




Online course review can objectively reflect the emotional tendency of learners towards the learning effect. This paper proposes a deep neural network based sentiment analysis model for MOOC course reviews. The model uses Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network (BiLSTM) to analyze Chinese semantic. In order to deal with the imbalance of training data set, this paper introduces two methods to balance it and adds dropout mechanism to prevent the over fitting of the model. The model is then applied to the emotional evaluation of MOOC course of “Fundamentals of College Computer Application”. The application results show that the model has achieved good accuracy and can well realize the emotional orientation analysis of online course reviews so as to provide valuable reference for Course Builders.
机译:在线课程审查可以客观地反映学习者对学习效果的情感倾向。 本文提出了一种深度神经网络的MooC课程课程的情绪分析模型。 该模型使用双向长期内存网络(BILSTM)来分析汉语语义。 为了处理训练数据集的不平衡,本文介绍了两种平衡它的方法,并增加了辍学机制,以防止过度拟合模型。 然后将该模型应用于“大学计算机申请基础”的MooC途径的情感评估。 申请结果表明,该模型取得了良好的准确性,可以很好地实现在线课程评论的情绪导向分析,以便为课程建设者提供有价值的参考。



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