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There is always light at the end of any dark tunnel – the Covid-19 tunnel is no exception

机译:任何暗隧道末端总有光线 - Covid-19隧道也不例外



“If you catch hell, don’t hold it, and if you’re going through hell, don’t stop – you go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.” These are the words of renowned African American singer, Ron Kenolly. Economies around the world, including our own, are going through hell right now. More than 36 million people lost their jobs in two months in the world’s biggest economy, the USA. In South Africa, unemployment is predicted to reach 50% in the next few months. Does this mean a total collapse and shutdown of our economy and our industry? Certainly not, but it is certainly a tough road ahead.
机译:“如果你抓住地狱,不要抓住它,如果你经历了地狱,不要停止 - 你继续前进,继续前进。” 这些是着名的非洲裔美国歌手,罗恩·肯尼斯的话。 世界各地的经济,包括我们自己的,现在正在通过地狱。 超过3600万人在世界上最大的经济体中失去了工作的工作。 在南非,预计未来几个月的失业率将达到50%。 这是否意味着我们经济和业界的完全崩溃和关闭? 当然不是,但它肯定是一条艰难的道路。



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