首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Applied Sociology >Reflections on the Moral Identity of Our Species in the Context of the Current World Pandemic

Reflections on the Moral Identity of Our Species in the Context of the Current World Pandemic




In this era of a world pandemic, when global problems call for joint efforts across cultures and countries, establishing a community concerned with human destiny on the basis of a common moral identity is an urgent matter. The moral identity of our species refers to the fundamental moral values that are generally recognized by all humans as a species, starting from our biological origins and developing ethical contents throughout the long history of evolution. The construction of our moral identity as a species helps strengthen ties and cooperation between countries. This study shall consider the intercultural premises for defining a moral identity as a species in the context of the current pandemic as a common experience of humans, regardless of their culture. It also advocates for strengthening cultural inclusion to approach a more practical goal, namely practicing the species’ moral identity and confronting a common human destiny under global challenges. In conclusion, the authors call for establishing specific discourses and strategies to improve intercultural respect and reciprocal recognition of our common moral identity.



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