首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Psychology >Listening to Mozart Improves Current Mood in Adult ADHD – A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

Listening to Mozart Improves Current Mood in Adult ADHD – A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

机译:听莫扎特在成人ADHD中提高了当前情绪 - 随机对照试点研究



Emotional lability is a common problem in adult patients with ADHD and is usually treated with methylphenidate. It is generally known that music can be used to improve mood in healthy adults. Therefore, this study was conducted to test the suitability of music as a possible non-pharmacological measure to improve mood. Forty patients with ADHD and 44 healthy control subjects were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions. The first group (music group) listened to Mozart’s music (KV 448) for 10 min while the second group remained in a silent room for 10 min (silence group). Subjective arousal and mood were assessed using self-report questionnaires before and after each condition. We showed that music listening led to a decrease in negative mood (sadness and hopelessness) in the ADHD group as well as in healthy controls. This effect was not evident in both silence groups.
机译:情绪倾向是成年患者ADHD患者的常见问题,通常用甲基酚治疗。 通常已知音乐可用于改善健康成年人的情绪。 因此,进行了该研究以测试音乐的适用性作为可能的非药理学措施,以改善情绪。 将44例ADHD和44名健康对照受试者随机分配给两个实验条件中的一个。 第一组(音乐组)听到Mozart的音乐(KV 448)10分钟,而第二组仍然在静音室10分钟(沉默集团)。 在每条条件前后的自我报告问卷评估主观唤醒和情绪。 我们表明,音乐聆听导致ADHD组中的负面情绪(悲伤和绝望)降低以及健康控制。 这两个效果在两个沉默群体中都不明显。



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