首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Imaging Radionuclide Therapy >Mickey Mouse Sign on Bone Scan in the Monostotic Form of Paget’s Disease Mimicking Osseous Metastasis

Mickey Mouse Sign on Bone Scan in the Monostotic Form of Paget’s Disease Mimicking Osseous Metastasis




Paget’s disease is a chronic benign bone disease characterized by excessive and abnormal bone remodeling. Monostotic Paget’s disease accounts for only 20% of the cases, and the monostotic form involving the vertebra with the Mickey Mouse sign is very rare. Herein, we report a case of suspected bony metastasis in the second lumbar vertebra that was diagnosed as Paget’s disease because of the Mickey Mouse sign on bone scintigraphy, and the diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy. Therefore, bone scintigraphy may provide a positive contribution to the diagnosis, and may help to avoid unnecessary biopsy in cases with specific signs and patterns.
机译:Paget的疾病是一种慢性良性骨病,其特征是过度和异常的骨质重塑。 单静脉Paget的疾病仅占案例的20%,而涉及椎骨与米奇鼠标标志的单态表情是非常罕见的。 在此,我们报告了疑似骨椎骨中的疑似骨转移,由于米闪烁骨扫描米鼠标诊断为Paget疾病,并且通过活组织检查证实了诊断。 因此,骨闪烁图可能对诊断提供积极的贡献,并且可以有助于在具有特定迹象和模式的情况下避免不必要的活组织检查。



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