首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Health Promotion >Investigation of the effect of communicational empowerment pattern on nursing student's communicational competency

Investigation of the effect of communicational empowerment pattern on nursing student's communicational competency




INTRODUCTION: Today medical education is focusing on teaching human and communicational skills, just like the basic theories in medicine. Making effective and efficient contacts and communications are very important in nursing. Although these studies had shown that these skills are poor among nurses. Due to this, it is important to teach these skills to all health-care providers. This study aimed to investigate the effect of communicational empowerment pattern on nursing student's communicational competency. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted on 78 senior nursing students who were chosen randomly by the census method. Respondents were divided into case and control groups. In case group, the communicational empowerment method was conducted and in control group, no interventions were done. Data were collected by communicational competency questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and t -test through IBM, SPSS version 19, United States 2016. The significance level was considered 0.05 respectfully. RESULTS: The mean age was 22.23 ± 1.80. In the case of marital status, a number of 63 respondents were single and 15 were married. The mean score of communicational competency in case group was 112.38 ± 19.20 before intervention and 128.95 ± 11.98 after intervention. In control group, the mean score of communicational competency before intervention was 107.55 ± 14.22 and after intervention, it was 117.11 ± 15.37. There was not any significant relationship between case and control groups in the mean score of communicational competency before intervention ( P = 0.0187), but a significant relationship was assessed between case and control groups in the mean score of communicational competency after intervention ( P 0.001). The level named “Good” in communicational competency was increased among respondents from 56.8% to 90.9%. CONCLUSION: Using the communicational empowerment method in clinical education is possible and it increases the communicational competency.
机译:介绍:今天医学教育专注于教授人类和通信技能,就像医学中的基本理论一样。制定有效和有效的联系和通信在护理方面非常重要。虽然这些研究表明,护士之间的这些技能很差。由于这一点,向所有医疗保健提供者教授这些技能非常重要。本研究旨在调查沟通赋权模式对护理学生沟通能力的影响。材料和方法:本研究于78名高级护理学生进行,由人口普查方法随机选择。受访者被分为案例和对照组。在案例组中,进行沟通赋权方法,并在对照组中进行干预措施。数据由Communition Compleditiver Consuptnaire收集。通过描述性统计,Pearson相关性和T -Test通过IBM,SPM,2016年,SPM版本19,分析数据。重要性水平被尊重0.05。结果:平均年龄为22.23±1.80。在婚姻状况的情况下,63名受访者单身,15名已婚。在案例组的均值竞争力的平均得分为干预前112.38±19.20次。干预后128.95±11.98。在对照组中,干预前的常规能力的平均得分为107.55±14.22,干预后,它为117.11±15.37。在干预前的常规能力的平均分数之间没有任何重要的关系(P = 0.0187),但在干预后的常规竞争力的平均分数之间评估案例和对照组之间的显着关系(P <0.001 )。在沟通能力中命名为“良好”的水平在受访者之间增加了56.8%至90.9%。结论:使用临床教育中的沟通赋权方法是可能的,它提高了沟通能力。



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