首页> 外文期刊>International journal of agricultural research >Flowering Biology and Phenology of Aonla ( Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) in the Semi-arid Environment of North-West India

Flowering Biology and Phenology of Aonla ( Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) in the Semi-arid Environment of North-West India

机译:Aonla(Emblica Officinalis Gaertn的开花生物学和候选)在印度西北部半干旱环境中



Background and Objective: Aonla ( Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) is a new introduction in the semi-arid environment of North-west India. This study is conducted for gaining knowledge about the factors affecting the floral biology and flowering phenology of this fruit plant under such environments. Material and Methods: The floral parameters like inflorescence and flower structure; months and time of anthesis, anther dehiscence and nectar production and floral longevity of Aonla were recorded. The stigma receptivity was determined by pollinating the female flowers at different intervals. Results: Inflorescences of Aonla bore unisexual flowers; sex ratio was male-biased. The flowering period of Aonla lasted for about 30 days. Anthesis started at about 1500 h and continued till 1800 h. Dehiscence of anthers started with the opening of the flowers and this too continued till 1800 h. The female flowers opened gradually in different stages and took about 72 h to open completely. Stigma was receptive from the second day of anthesis until the fifth day (for about 85 h); maximal stigma receptivity was recorded on the 3rd day of anthesis. The longevity of a male flower was about 2.5 days (about 60 h) and that of a female flower it was about 5 days (120 h). Conclusion: Aonla carried unisexual flowers with male-biased sex ratio, peak flower anthesis and anther dehiscence took place in the evening in March-April. The longevity of a male flower was about 60 h and of a female flower, it was 120 h. Pollination by the biotic pollen vectors seemed to be an essential requirement for the successful fruit set in the flowers of this plant.
机译:背景和目标:Aonla(Emblica Officinalis Gaertn。)是印度西北半干旱环境的新介绍。该研究是为了获得对这种环境下这种水果厂的花卉生物学和开花候选的因素的知识。材料和方法:花序和花卉结构等花卉参数;花了一个月和时间,记录了Anla的花药裂缝和花蜜生产和花卉长寿。通过以不同的间隔授予女性花朵来确定耻辱应接受性。结果:Aonla钻孔的花序单位花朵;性别比例是男性偏见。 Aonla的开花时期持续了大约30天。假期开始于大约1500小时,持续到1800小时。花药的裂开从鲜花的开口开始,这也持续到1800小时。女性花在不同的阶段逐渐打开,大约需要72小时才能完全打开。耻辱感受到了第五天的第二天(约85小时);在波动的第3天记录了最大耻辱应接受性。雄花的寿命约为2.5天(约60小时),雌花大约5天(120小时)。结论:Aonla与男性偏见的性别比例,峰花开花和花药在3月3日的晚上携带单调的花朵。一朵雄花的寿命约为60小时,雌花,120小时。生物花粉载体的授粉似乎是该植物花中成功果实的重要要求。



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