首页> 外文期刊>Applied cancer research. >Knowledge about mammography screening in Germany by education and migrant status – results of a cross-sectional study (InEMa)

Knowledge about mammography screening in Germany by education and migrant status – results of a cross-sectional study (InEMa)

机译:德国乳房X线摄影筛查的知识通过教育和移民地位 - 横断面研究的结果(Inema)



The population-based mammography screening program (MSP) is aimed to reduce breast cancer mortality, to detect breast cancer at an early stage, and to allow for less invasive treatment. However, it also has some potential harms, such as overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Therefore, it is necessary that women receive sufficient and balanced information to enable informed decision-making. We examined knowledge about benefits and harms of the MSP in Germany among first-time invitees of different socio-demographic backgrounds. This observational study assessed knowledge about benefits and harms of the MSP among women who were invited to the MSP for the first time by six multiple?choice items, using a postal survey. We investigated (i) single items of knowledge, (ii) the distribution of sufficient knowledge stratified by education, migration status and invitation, and (iii) possible determinants of sufficient knowledge by analyzing Odds Ratios (ORs) using bivariate and multivariate logistic regression. In total, 5397 women included in the analyses. 46.1% of the study population had sufficient knowledge about benefits and harms of the MSP. However, women with low educational level and migration background had higher proportions of insufficient knowledge and used most frequently the option “don’t know”. Women had the most difficulties answering the numeric question and the question about the target group correctly. Results from the logistic regression showed that the odds of having sufficient knowledge were higher among well-educated women (OR 3.84, 95%CI 3.24–4.55), among women who already received the MSP invitation (OR 1.38, 95%CI 1.20–1.59) and lowest among Turkish women (OR 0.14, 95%CI 0.07–0.25). Women with low education and migration background need adapted information regarding benefits and harms of the MSP and are important target groups for further developing the information material about mammography screening to reduce disparities in knowledge and enable informed decision-making.
机译:基于人口的乳房X线摄影筛查计划(MSP)旨在降低乳腺癌死亡率,以在早期检测乳腺癌,并允许侵入性较少治疗。然而,它还具有一些潜在的危害,例如过度无消息和过度处理。因此,妇女有必要获得充分和平衡的信息,以便能够提供明智的决策。我们在不同社会人口背景的首次邀请中审查了德国MSP的效益和危害的知识。这种观察性研究评估了关于MSP在被邀请的MSP的效益和危害第一次举行六个多个?选择项目,使用邮政调查。我们调查了(i)单一知识项目,(ii)通过通过分析使用双变量和多变量的物流回归来分析足够的知识的足够知识,(iii)的足够知识的分布。共有5397名妇女分析。 46.1%的研究人群对MSP的益处和危害有足够的了解。然而,受教育水平低和迁移背景的女性具有更高的知识不足的比例,并且最常用的是“不知道”的选项。妇女最困难地回答数字问题以及正确的目标群体的问题。逻辑回归结果表明,在受过良好教育的女性(或3.84,95%CI 3.24-4.55)中,在已经收到MSP邀请(或1.38,95%CI 1.20-1.59的妇女中,具有足够知识的可能性高)土耳其女性(或0.14,95%CI 0.07-0.25)中最低。具有低教育和迁移背景的妇女需要改编有关MSP的益处和危害的信息,并是进一步开发关于乳房X线摄影筛查的信息材料的重要目标群体,以减少知识中的差异并使知情决策能够实现明智的决策。



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