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Impact of Better Healthcare services on rapid recovery and low mortality of COVID19 patients




COVID-19 Pandemic is a public health emergency since March 2020. The COVID19 is a new infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). This study was conducted on COVID-19 cases, to understand the impact of better healthcare services and delivery on patient recovery and provide one window approach from reception to diagnosis and treatment. Countries with lower mortality rates adopted the approach of early symptom screening, rapid testing and diagnosis by taking nasopharyngeal samples and use of real time PCR to confirm diagnosis within 24 hours, and timely use of chest CT determine the severity of pneumonia besides confirming the diagnosis.A practical approach to the management of COVID19 pandemic is crucial for the faster recovery and lower mortality. Early start of anticoagulant, heparin (Enoxaparin), and maintaining the oxygen saturation along with use of antiviral drugs may reduce the mortality rates and speed up the recovery of the patients suffering from the disease. Some of the key contributing factors for higher mortality rates includes overwhelmed healthcare systems, poorly equipped Intensive Care Units (ICUs), inadequate testing facilities, and larger proportions of elderly population.
机译:Covid-19 Pandemic是自2020年3月起的公共卫生紧急情况。Covid19是由严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒-2(SARS-COV-2)引起的新感染。本研究在Covid-19案件上进行,了解更好的医疗保健服务和交付对患者恢复的影响,并提供一个从招待会到诊断和治疗的窗口方法。降低死亡率较低的国家采用早期症状筛查,快速检测和诊断方法通过服用鼻咽样本和使用实时PCR在24小时内确认诊断,并且除了确认诊断外,胸部CT的严重程度决定了肺炎。对Covid19大流行管理的实用方法对于更快的恢复和降低死亡率至关重要。早期开始抗凝血剂,肝素(烯脱蒿素),并与抗病毒药物一起维持氧饱和可能会降低死亡率并加速患有疾病的患者的恢复。较高死亡率的一些主要贡献因素包括不堪重负的医疗保健系统,装备不良的重症监护单位(ICU),检测设施不足,老年人的比例更大。



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