首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >A Retrospective Clinical Study of theEtiology and Post-operative VisualOutcome of Rhegmatogenous RetinalDetachment

A Retrospective Clinical Study of theEtiology and Post-operative VisualOutcome of Rhegmatogenous RetinalDetachment




Aim: To study the etiology of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and visual outcome after retinal detachment surgery.Materials and methods: Retrospective study conducted at the tertiary eye care hospital over a period of one year. Thirty eyes of 30 patients were included after fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Complete ocular examination details of each patient such as visual acuity for distant vision (checked with Snellen?s acuity chart),slit lamp examination, fundus examination (done with +90D lens) and binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy. In addition the following were noted: extent of the detachment present, position and number of breaks, status of the macula, presence of PVR, mobility of retina and presence of any peripheral retinal degenerations, and fundus photographs of the patient (before and after surgery).Results: Risk factors for retinal detachment included myopia in 7 eyes (23.3%), prior cataract surgery in 10 eyes (33.3%), peripheral retinal degeneration in 3 eyes (10%) and traction with new vessels in 1 eye (3.3%). Eighteen eyes (60%) presented with macula off while 12 eyes (40%) presented with macula partly or completely attached. Visual acuity at presentation was <3/60 in 16 eyes. Following surgery, retina was attached in 28 eyes (93.3%) and remained detached in 2 eyes (6.7%). Visual acuity after surgery was <3/60 in 12 eyes.Visual acuity improved in 13 eyes (43.3%), remained the same in 16 eyes (53.3%) and worsened in 1 eye (3.3%).Conclusion: Myopia and prior cataract surgery are important risk factors for Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment. Majority of patients in this setting presented late with Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment and this was responsible for relatively poor visual outcomes despite good anatomical results after surgery. Proper screening of eyes at risk and education of patients is important for preventing visual loss due to retinal detachment.
机译:目的:研究视网膜脱离手术后的血源性视网膜脱离的病因和视觉效果。材料与方法:在三级眼科医院进行为期一年的回顾性研究。符合纳入标准后,纳入30例患者的30只眼。每位患者的完整眼科检查详细信息,例如远视力视力(用Snellen视力表检查),裂隙灯检查,眼底检查(用+ 90D镜片完成)和双眼间接检眼镜。此外,还应注意以下几点:分离的程度,断裂的位置和数量,黄斑的状态,PVR的存在,视网膜的活动性以及任何周围性视网膜变性的存在以及患者的眼底照片(手术前后)结果:视网膜脱离的危险因素包括近视7眼(23.3%),白内障手术10眼(33.3%),周围性视网膜变性3眼(10%)和新牵引1只眼的血管(3.3%)。黄斑脱落的有18只眼(60%),而部分或完全附着有黄斑的有12只眼(40%)。演示时的视力在16眼中小于3/60。手术后,视网膜附着在28眼中(93.3%),并保持分离的2眼(6.7%)。术后视力12眼<3/60,视力改善13眼(43.3%),保持16眼(53.3%),恶化1眼(3.3%)。结论:近视和白内障手术是发生视网膜源性视网膜脱离的重要危险因素。在这种情况下,大多数患者表现为迟发性视网膜脱离,尽管手术后的解剖学结果良好,但仍导致相对较差的视觉效果。适当筛查处于危险中的眼睛和对患者进行教育,对于防止由于视网膜脱离造成的视力丧失至关重要。



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