首页> 外文期刊>Journal of animal science >Multitrait meta-analysis identified genomic regions associated with sexual precocity in tropical beef cattle

Multitrait meta-analysis identified genomic regions associated with sexual precocity in tropical beef cattle




Multitrait meta-analyses are a strategy to produce more accurate genome-wide association studies, especially for complex phenotypes. We carried out a meta-analysis study for traits related to sexual precocity in tropical beef cattle (Nellore and Brahman) aiming to identify important genomic regions affecting these traits. The traits included in the analyses were age at first calving (AFC), early pregnancy (EP), age at first corpus luteum (AGECL), first postpartum anoestrus interval (PPAI), and scrotal circumference (SC). The traits AFC, EP, and SCN were measured in Nellore cattle, while AGECL, PPAI, and SCB were measured in Brahman cattle. Meta-analysis resulted in 108 significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), at an empirical threshold P-value of 1.39 × 10?5 (false discovery rate [FDR] 0.05). Within 0.5 Mb of the significant SNP, candidate genes were annotated and analyzed for functional enrichment. Most of the closest genes to the SNP with higher significance in each chromosome have been associated with important roles in reproductive function. They are TSC22D2, KLF7, ARHGAP29, 7SK, MAP3K5, TLE3, WDR5, TAF3, TMEM68, PPP1R15B, NR2F2, GALR1, SUFU, and KCNU1. We did not observe any significant SNP in BTA5, BTA12, BTA17, BTA18, BTA19, BTA20, BTA22, BTA23, BTA25, and BTA28. Although the majority of significant SNPs are in BTA14, it was identified significant associations in multiple chromosomes (19 out of 29 autosomes), which is consistent with the postulation that reproductive traits are complex polygenic phenotypes. Five proposed association regions harbor the majority of the significant SNP (76%) and were distributed over four chromosomes (P 1.39 × 10?5, FDR 0.05): BTA2 (5.55%) from 95 to 96 Mb, BTA4 (5.55%) from 94.1 to 94.8 Mb, BTA14 (59.26%) from 24 to 25 Mb and 29 to 30 Mb, and BTA21 (5.55%) from 6.7 Mb to 11.4 Mb. These regions harbored key genes related to reproductive function. Moreover, these genes were enriched for functional groups associated with immune response, maternal–fetal tolerance, pregnancy maintenance, embryo development, fertility, and response to stress. Further studies including other breeds and precocity traits could confirm the importance of these regions and identify new candidate regions for sexual precocity in beef cattle.
机译:多特征荟萃分析是一种产生更准确的全基因组关联研究的策略,尤其是对于复杂的表型。我们对与热带肉牛(Nellore和Brahman)性早熟相关的性状进行了荟萃分析研究,旨在确定影响这些性状的重要基因组区域。分析中包括的特征是第一次产犊的年龄(AFC),早孕(EP),第一次黄体的年龄(AGECL),第一次产后无动情间隔(PPAI)和阴囊围(SC)。在Nellore牛中测量了AFC,EP和SCN的性状,而在婆罗门牛中测量了AGECL,PPAI和SCB的性状。荟萃分析得出108个显着的单核苷酸多态性(SNP),经验阈值P值为1.39×10?5(错误发现率[FDR] <0.05)。在显着SNP的0.5 Mb之内,对候选基因进行注释并分析其功能富集。在每个染色体中,最接近SNP且最重要的大多数基因与生殖功能中的重要作用有关。它们是TSC22D2,KLF7,ARHGAP29、7SK,MAP3K5,TLE3,WDR5,TAF3,TMEM68,PPP1R15B,NR2F2,GALR1,SUFU和KCNU1。我们在BTA5,BTA12,BTA17,BTA18,BTA19,BTA20,BTA22,BTA23,BTA25和BTA28中未观察到任何明显的SNP。尽管大多数重要的SNP位于BTA14中,但已在多条染色体(29个常染色体中的19个)中发现了重要的关联,这与生殖性状是复杂的多基因表型的假设相一致。提议的五个关联区域包含大部分重要SNP(76%),并分布在四个染色体上(P <1.39×10?5,FDR <0.05):BTA2(5.55%)从95到96 Mb,BTA4(5.55%) )94.1至94.8 Mb,BTA14(59.26%)从24至25 Mb和29至30 Mb,以及BTA21(5.55%)从6.7 Mb至11.4 Mb。这些区域藏有与生殖功能有关的关键基因。此外,这些基因丰富了与免疫反应,母婴耐受性,维持妊娠,胚胎发育,生育力和对压力的反应有关的功能组。包括其他品种和性早熟特性在内的进一步研究可以证实这些区域的重要性,并确定肉牛性早熟的新候选区域。



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