首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Macrolinguistic Errors in Arab EFL Learners’ Essays

Macrolinguistic Errors in Arab EFL Learners’ Essays




This study attempts to identify the errors that Arab EFL learners commit in writing English essays at the macrolinguistic level. It also tries to determine the causes of these problems and propose remedial strategies. More specifically stated the study seeks answers to the following questions: (1) What errors do Arab learners of English commit in writing English essays at the pragmatic and discoursal levels? (2) What are the possible causes of these errors? (3) How can such problems be minimized? and (4) To what extent do English language textbooks contribute to such problems? Five hundred essays and the contents of eight EFL textbooks were analysed for the purpose of this study. The findings revealed that Arab learners of English encounter major macrolinguistic problems in writing English essays, including coherence problems, cohesion problems, unawareness of logical relations between sentences, run-on sentences, poor paragraph development, and violation of the maxims of the cooperative principle. It was also found that teaching materials and the writing activities used in teaching English do not adequately develop students’ pragmalinguistic competence. Finally, the study identified a few potential causes of these problems and proposed a number of strategies that may help learners and teachers overcome such difficulties.
机译:这项研究试图找出阿拉伯英语学习者在宏观语言水平上撰写英语论文时所犯的错误。它还尝试确定这些问题的原因并提出补救策略。更具体地讲,该研究寻求以下问题的答案:(1)阿拉伯英语学习者在实用和不拘形式的英语写作中犯了哪些错误? (2)这些错误的可能原因是什么? (3)如何最大程度地减少此类问题? (4)英语教科书在多大程度上促成了此类问题?为了本研究的目的,分析了500篇论文和八本EFL教科书的内容。调查结果表明,阿拉伯英语学习者在撰写英语文章时遇到主要的宏观语言问题,包括连贯性问题,衔接问题,句子之间逻辑关系的不了解,连续句子,段落发展不佳以及违反合作原则的原则。研究还发现,英语教学中使用的教材和写作活动不足以培养学生的实用语言能力。最后,该研究确定了这些问题的一些潜在原因,并提出了许多策略,可以帮助学习者和教师克服这些困难。



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