首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Study on Improving the Specific Content of Teaching Physical Education Classes through Movement Games in Primary School

Study on Improving the Specific Content of Teaching Physical Education Classes through Movement Games in Primary School




The target of this research is represented by the optimization of the teaching techniques used to improve the specific objectives of Physical Education activities in school. These techniques are applied to pupils in the second grade by using movement games. We consider that the use of the movement games during Physical Education classes may contribute to improving the instructive and educational process and to achieving specific objectives. By comparing the results of the experimental and the control group for the initial tests, we found that there were no significant differences between the averages obtained by the boy groups. The differences were significant (p<0,05) at the final test, however, for long distance running, trunk extension from a prone position, the complex of physical development, rope skipping, and at p<0,01 for trunk lifting from a supine position and for tractions on the gymnastics bench. We also found some progress for the girl groups and there were also differences in the final tests between the experimental and control groups in the case of girls. Finally, the progress achieved by the experimental group showed us that our method, using movement games for achieving the objectives of our classes, was efficient.
机译:这项研究的目标是通过优化教学技术来提高学校体育活动的具体目标。通过使用运动游戏将这些技术应用于二年级的学生。我们认为,在体育课上使用运动游戏可能有助于改善教学和教育过程并实现特定目标。通过比较实验组和对照组的初始测试结果,我们发现男孩组的平均值之间没有显着差异。在最终测试中,差异是显着的(p <0.05),但是,对于长距离奔跑,俯卧位的躯干伸展,身体发育的复杂性,跳绳,以及从躯干抬起的p <0.01仰卧姿势并在体操长凳上进行牵引。我们还发现女孩组取得了一些进展,在女孩组中,实验组和对照组之间的最终测试也存在差异。最后,实验小组取得的进展向我们表明,使用运动游戏来实现班级目标的方法是有效的。



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