首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experomental Medicine >Virus-replicating T cells in the immune response of mice. I. Virus plaque assay of the lymphocytes reactive to sheep erythrocytes.

Virus-replicating T cells in the immune response of mice. I. Virus plaque assay of the lymphocytes reactive to sheep erythrocytes.

机译:病毒复制性T细胞在小鼠的免疫反应中。 I.对绵羊红细胞有反应性的淋巴细胞的病毒噬斑测定。



Virus plaque-forming cell assay with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), which had been originally introduced by Bloom and his colleagues as a tool for the enumeration of activated lymphocytes, was first applied to the immune response of mice to a widely used antigen, i.e. sheep red blood cells (SRBC). When spleen cells taken from mice previously primed with SRBC were cultured in the presence of the antigen, lymphocytes capable of replicating VSV (antigen-induced virus plaque-forming cells, Ag-V-PFC) were generated in the culture. They seemed to appear as early as 1 day of culture, and the peak was attained by the 2nd day. Most of Ag-V-PFC belonged to T-cell population, since 80-90% of Ag-V-PFC was killed by the treatment of cultured cells with anti-thymocyte serum plus complement. In vitro generation of Ag-V-PFC seemed to be highly cross-reactive (about 40%) with a related antigen (horse red blood cells). Ag-V-PFC detected in the present experiment may not represent helper T cells, effector T cells, or their precursors because of the following: (a) The generation of Ag-V-PFC was completely suppressed by the addition of anti-SRBC mouse serum in the culture, though the helper activity was apparently augmented by the same treatment. (b) Development of Ag-V-PFC was almost completely suppressed by the pretreatment of mice with cyclophosphamide 2 days before immunization, by which delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) was markedly augmented. (c) After the immunization of mice, Ag-V-PFC began to develop just when the level of DTH declined, at which point helper activity of the spleen cells also diminished. A possible role of Ag-V-PFC in the immune response was discussed.
机译:布卢姆及其同事最初将水泡性口炎病毒(VSV)形成病毒斑块的细胞测定方法最初是作为计数活化淋巴细胞的一种工具,首先用于小鼠对广泛使用的抗原的免疫应答,即绵羊红细胞(SRBC)。当在抗原存在下培养取自先前用SRBC引发的小鼠的脾细胞时,在培养物中产生了能够复制VSV的淋巴细胞(抗原诱导的病毒噬斑形成细胞,Ag-V-PFC)。它们似乎最早出现在培养的第一天,到第二天达到了顶峰。大多数Ag-V-PFC属于T细胞群,因为80-90%的Ag-V-PFC通过用抗胸腺细胞血清加补体处理培养的细胞而被杀死。 Ag-V-PFC的体外产生似乎与相关抗原(马红细胞)高度交叉反应(约40%)。由于以下原因,本实验中检测到的Ag-V-PFC可能不代表辅助性T细胞,效应T细胞或它们的前体:(a)加入抗SRBC可以完全抑制Ag-V-PFC的产生培养物中的小鼠血清,尽管通过相同处理明显增强了辅助活性。 (b)在免疫前2天用环磷酰胺对小鼠进行预处理,几乎完全抑制了Ag-V-PFC的发育,从而显着增强了迟发型超敏反应(DTH)。 (c)免疫小鼠后,DTH水平下降时,Ag-V-PFC开始形成,这时脾细胞的辅助活性也下降。讨论了Ag-V-PFC在免疫反应中的可能作用。



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