首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experomental Medicine >Helper function of T cells depleted of alloantigen-reactive lymphocytes by filtration through irradiated F1 hybrid recipients. I. Failure to collaborate with allogeneic B cells in a secondary response to sheep erythrocytes measured in vivo.

Helper function of T cells depleted of alloantigen-reactive lymphocytes by filtration through irradiated F1 hybrid recipients. I. Failure to collaborate with allogeneic B cells in a secondary response to sheep erythrocytes measured in vivo.

机译:通过经辐照的F1杂种受体过滤,耗尽同种异体抗原反应性淋巴细胞的T细胞的辅助功能。 I.在体内测量的对绵羊红细胞的继发反应中未能与同种异体B细胞合作。



Helper T cells were obtained by injecting heavily irradiated semiallogeneic mice with lymph node cells from H-2-incompatible parental strain mice primed with sheep erythrocytes (SRC) 2 mo before. Thoracic duct lymphocytes collected from the recipents 18-40 h later (nearly all of which were theta-positive and of donor origin) were totally and specifically unresponsive against host-type determinants in mixed-lymphocyte culture. The filtered cells were transferred to irradiated semiallogeneic mice together with SRC and anti-theta-serum-treated (B) cells from SRC-primed syngeneic, semiallogeneic, or allogeneic mice. When antibody-forming cells were measured in the spleen 5-9 days later, effective IgM and IgG collaborative responses were observed with both syngeneic and semiallogeneic B cells but not with allogeneic B cells. No evidence was found that the failure to obtain collaboration with the allogeneic B cells was due to inhibition of the B cells by the T cells or vice versa.
机译:辅助T细胞是通过向重度照射的半同种异体小鼠注射2 mo之前接种绵羊红细胞(SRC)的H-2不相容亲本品系小鼠的淋巴结细胞而获得的。 18-40小时后从配方师那里收集的胸导管淋巴细胞(几乎全部都是theta阳性且是供体来源的)对混合淋巴细胞培养中的宿主类型决定簇完全没有反应。将滤过的细胞与SRC和来自SRC启动的同系,半同系或同种异体小鼠的抗theta血清处理的(B)细胞一起转移到受辐照的半同系小鼠中。当在5-9天后在脾脏中测量抗体形成细胞时,同基因和半同体B细胞均观察到有效的IgM和IgG协同反应,而同种B细胞则未观察到。没有证据表明未能与同种异体B细胞建立协作关系是由于T细胞抑制了B细胞,反之亦然。



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