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Humans (really) are animals: picture-book reading influences 5-year-old urban childrena??s construal of the relation between humans and non-human animals

机译:人类(真的)是动物:图画书的阅读影响了5岁的城市儿童a –人类与非人类动物之间关系的解释



What is the relation between humans and non-human animals? From a biological perspective, we view humans as one species among many, but in the fables and films we create for children, we often offer an anthropocentric perspective, imbuing non-human animals with human-like characteristics. What are the consequences of these distinctly different perspectives on children’s reasoning about the natural world? Some have argued that children universally begin with an anthropocentric perspective and that acquiring a biological perspective requires a basic conceptual change (cf. Carey, 1985). But recent work reveals that this anthropocentric perspective, evidenced in urban 5-year-olds, is not evident in 3-year-olds (Herrmann etal., 2010). This indicates that the anthropocentric perspective is not an obligatory first step in children’s reasoning about biological phenomena. In the current paper, we introduced a priming manipulation to assess whether 5-year-olds’ reasoning about a novel biological property is influenced by the perspectives they encounter in children’s books. Just before participating in a reasoning task, each child read a book about bears with an experimenter. What varied was whether bears were depicted from an anthropomorphic (Berenstain Bears) or biological perspective (Animal Encyclopedia). The priming had a dramatic effect. Children reading the Berenstain Bears showed the standard anthropocentric reasoning pattern, but those reading the Animal Encyclopedia adopted a biological pattern. This offers evidence that urban 5-year-olds can adopt either a biological or a human-centered stance, depending upon the context. Thus, children’s books and other media are double-edged swords. Media may (inadvertently) support human-centered reasoning in young children, but may also be instrumental in redirecting children’s attention to a biological model.
机译:人类与非人类动物之间有什么关系?从生物学的角度来看,我们将人类视为众多物种中的一个物种,但是在我们为儿童创作的寓言和电影中,我们经常以人类为中心,向非人类动物灌输类似人类的特征。这些截然不同的观点对儿童对自然世界的推理有何后果?一些人认为,儿童普遍以人类为中心的观点开始,而获得生物学的观点则需要基本的观念上的改变(参见Carey,1985)。但是最近的工作表明,这种以人为中心的观点在城市5岁儿童中得到了证明,在3岁儿童中并不明显(Herrmann等,2010)。这表明,以人为中心的观点并不是儿童对生物现象进行推理的强制性第一步。在当前的论文中,我们引入了一种启动操作,以评估5岁儿童对一种新颖生物特性的推理是否受到他们在儿童读物中遇到的观点的影响。在参加推理任务之前,每个孩子都与实验者一起读了一本有关熊的书。不同的是从拟人化(Berenstain熊)描绘熊还是从生物学角度(动物百科全书)描绘熊。引发具有戏剧性的效果。阅读Berenstain Bears的孩子表现出标准的以人为本的推理模式,但是阅读《动物百科全书》的孩子则采用了生物学模式。这提供了证据,表明五岁的城市人群可以根据情况采取生物学或以人为本的立场。因此,儿童读物和其他媒体是双刃剑。媒体可能(无意间)支持幼儿以人为中心的推理,但也可能有助于将儿童的注意力转移到生物学模型上。



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