首页> 外文期刊>Emerging Infectious Diseases >Salmonella enterica Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Clusters, Minnesota, USA, 2001–2007

Salmonella enterica Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Clusters, Minnesota, USA, 2001–2007




We determined characteristics of Salmonella enterica pulsed-fi eld gel electrophoresis clusters that predict their being solved (i.e., that result in identifi cation of a confi rmed outbreak). Clusters were investigated by the Minnesota De-partment of Health by using a dynamic iterative model. Dur-ing 2001–2007, a total of 43 (12.5%) of 344 clusters were solved. Clusters of >4 isolates were more likely to be solved than clusters of 2 isolates. Clusters in which the fi rst 3 case isolates were received at the Minnesota Department of Health within 7 days were more likely to be solved than were clusters in which the fi rst 3 case isolates were received over a period >14 days. If resources do not permit investigation of all S. enterica pulsed-fi eld gel electrophoresis clusters, in-vestigation of clusters of >4 cases and clusters in which the fi rst 3 case isolates were received at a public health labora-tory within 7 days may improve outbreak investigations
机译:我们确定了沙门氏菌脉冲场凝胶电泳簇的特征,这些特征可以预测其被解决的情况(即可以确定确诊的爆发)。明尼苏达州卫生署使用动态迭代模型对聚类进行了调查。在2001年至2007年期间,共解决了344个集群中的43个(12.5%)。 > 2个分离株的簇比2个分离株的簇更容易被解析。明尼苏达州卫生署在7天之内收到首批3例分离株的聚类比> 14天以上收到首批3例分离株的聚类更容易解决。如果资源不足以调查所有肠炎链球菌脉冲场凝胶电泳簇,则应在7天内在公共卫生实验室中对4例以上的簇和其中3例分离出的簇进行调查。可能会改善爆发调查



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