首页> 外文期刊>International journal of infectious diseases : >Hemolytic-uremic syndrome with acute encephalopathy in a pregnant woman infected with epidemic enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: characteristic brain images and cytokine profiles

Hemolytic-uremic syndrome with acute encephalopathy in a pregnant woman infected with epidemic enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: characteristic brain images and cytokine profiles




A food-poisoning outbreak due to enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) occurred in Toyama, Japan. The case of a 26-year-old pregnant woman with hemolytic-uremic syndrome who developed acute encephalopathy due to EHEC infection after eating raw meat is presented herein. On day 2 following admission, a cesarean section was performed because of a non-reassuring fetal status. Fecal bacterial culture confirmed an O111/O157 superinfection. Intensive care therapies including continuous hemodiafiltration and plasma exchange were performed. After the operation, the patient developed encephalopathy for which steroid pulse therapy was added. Her condition improved gradually and she was discharged 55 days after delivery.
机译:在日本富山发生的因肠出血性大肠杆菌(EHEC)引起的食物中毒暴发。本文介绍了一名26岁的溶血尿毒综合征孕妇,由于进食生肉后由于EHEC感染而导致了急性脑病。入院后第2天,由于胎儿状况不确定,进行了剖宫产。粪便细菌培养证实了O111 / O157重复感染。进行了包括连续血液透析滤过和血浆置换在内的重症监护疗法。手术后,患者发展为脑病,并接受了类固醇脉冲疗法。她的病情逐渐好转,分娩后55天出院。



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