首页> 外文期刊>Infection and immunity >Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome: development of a primary binding assay for human antibody to the exfoliative toxin.

Staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome: development of a primary binding assay for human antibody to the exfoliative toxin.




Exfoliative toxin (ET) from a phage group II Staphylococcus aureus strain causing staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome was purified by electrofocusing. Ampholytes and salts were removed from the final product by column chromatography on G-50 Sephadex. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels of the final product yielded a single band upon gel electrophoresis, even when 60 mug of protein was placed in the gels. Radiolabeling of the purified toxin with 125I yielded a product that still caused exfoliation of suckling mice, indicating that the toxin was still biologically active. A radioimmunobinding assay was developed and used to test rabbit and human sera for antibodies to exfoliative toxin. Although the maximum percentage of binding was not as high as expected (approximately 40%), it was postulated that either iodination had not been sufficiently vigorous or the toxin had sustained immunological damage. The assay was reproducible and more sensitive than the existing neutralization method and readily applicable to the testing of human sera for exfoliative toxin antibodies.
机译:通过电聚焦纯化来自噬菌体组II的引起葡萄球菌烫伤皮肤综合征的金黄色葡萄球菌菌株的剥脱性毒素(ET)。在G-50 Sephadex上通过柱色谱从最终产物中除去两性盐和盐。最终产物的十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺钠凝胶在凝胶电泳时产生单个条带,即使将60杯蛋白质放入凝胶中也是如此。用125 I对纯化的毒素进行放射性标记,得到的产物仍会引起乳鼠的剥脱,表明该毒素仍具有生物学活性。开发了一种放射免疫结合测定法,并用于测试兔和人血清中抗脱落性毒素的抗体。尽管最大结合百分比没有预期的高(约40%),但据推测碘化作用不够强或毒素受到持续的免疫损伤。与现有的中和方法相比,该方法具有可重复性和敏感性,可轻松用于检测人血清中的脱落性毒素抗体。



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