首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Utilization of Ganglioside-Degrading Paenibacillus sp. Strain TS12 for Production of Glucosylceramide

Utilization of Ganglioside-Degrading Paenibacillus sp. Strain TS12 for Production of Glucosylceramide

机译:降解神经节苷脂的Paenibacillus sp。用于生产葡萄糖基神经酰胺的TS12菌株



Gangliosides, sialic acid-containing glycosphingolipids, are membrane constituents of vertebrates and are known to have important roles in cellular differentiation, adhesion, and recognition. We report here the isolation of a bacterium capable of degrading gangliotetraose-series gangliosides and a new method for the production of glucosylceramide with this bacterium. GM1a ganglioside was found to be sequentially degraded by Paenibacillus sp. strain TS12, which was isolated from soil, as follows: GM1a → asialo GM1 → asialo GM2 → lactosylceramide → glucosylceramide. TS12 was found to produce a series of ganglioside-degrading enzymes, such as sialidases, β-galactosidases, and β-hexosaminidases. TS12 also produced β-glucosidases, but glucosylceramide was somewhat resistant to the bacterial enzyme under the conditions used. Taking advantage of the specificity, we developed a new method for the production of glucosylceramide using TS12 as a biocatalyst. The method involves the conversion of crude bovine brain gangliosides to glucosylceramide by coculture with TS12 and purification of the product by chromatography with Wakogel C-300 HG.
机译:神经节苷脂(含唾液酸的糖鞘脂)是脊椎动物的膜成分,已知在细胞分化,黏附和识别中起重要作用。我们在这里报告了一种能够降解神经节四糖系列神经节苷脂的细菌的分离,以及利用该细菌生产葡糖神经酰胺的新方法。发现GM1a神经节苷脂被Paenibacillus sp依次降解。从土壤中分离出的菌株TS12如下:GM1a→去唾液酸GM1→去唾液酸GM2→乳糖基神经酰胺→葡萄糖基神经酰胺。发现TS12产生一系列神经节苷脂降解酶,例如唾液酸酶,β-半乳糖苷酶和β-己糖胺酶。 TS12也产生β-葡萄糖苷酶,但在所用条件下,葡萄糖基神经酰胺对细菌酶具有一定的抗性。利用特异性,我们开发了一种使用TS12作为生物催化剂生产葡糖神经酰胺的新方法。该方法包括通过与TS12共培养将粗牛脑神经节苷脂转化为葡萄糖基神经酰胺,并通过用Wakogel C-300 HG色谱法纯化产物。



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