首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Growth from Spores of NonproteolyticClostridium botulinum in Heat-Treated Vegetable Juice

Growth from Spores of NonproteolyticClostridium botulinum in Heat-Treated Vegetable Juice




Unheated spores of nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinumwere able to lead to growth in sterile deoxygenated turnip, spring green, helda bean, broccoli, or potato juice, although the probability of growth was low and the time to growth was longer than the time to growth in culture media. With all five vegetable juices tested, the probability of growth increased when spores were inoculated into the juice and then heated for 2 min in a water bath at 80°C. The probability of growth was greater in bean or broccoli juice than in culture media following 10 min of heat treatment in these media. Growth was prevented by heat treatment of spores in vegetable juices or culture media at 80°C for 100 min. We show for the first time that adding heat-treated vegetable juice to culture media can increase the number of heat-damaged spores of C. botulinum that can lead to colony formation.



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