首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Morphologic, Host Specificity, and Molecular Characterization of a Hungarian Cryptosporidium meleagridis Isolate

Morphologic, Host Specificity, and Molecular Characterization of a Hungarian Cryptosporidium meleagridis Isolate




This study was undertaken in order to characterizeCryptosporidium meleagridis isolated from a turkey in Hungary and to compare the morphologies, host specificities, organ locations, and small-subunit RNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequences of this organism and other Cryptosporidium species. The phenotypic differences between C. meleagridis andCryptosporidium parvum Hungarian calf isolate (zoonotic genotype) oocysts were small, although they were statistically significant. Oocysts of C. meleagridis were successfully passaged in turkeys and were transmitted from turkeys to immunosuppressed mice and from mice to chickens. The location ofC. meleagridis was the small intestine, like the location of C. parvum. A comparison of sequence data for the variable region of the SSU rRNA gene of C. meleagridisisolated from turkeys with other Cryptosporidium sequence data in the GenBank database revealed that the Hungarian C. meleagridis sequence is identical to a C. meleagridissequence recently described for a North Carolina isolate. Thus,C. meleagridis is a distinct species that occurs worldwide and has a broad host range, like the C. parvum zoonotic strain (also called the calf or bovine strain) andCryptosporidium felis. Because birds are susceptible toC. meleagridis and to some zoonotic strains of C. parvum, these animals may play an active role in contamination of surface waters not only with Cryptosporidium baileyi but also with C. parvum-like parasites.
机译:进行这项研究的目的是鉴定从匈牙利的火鸡分离出的隐孢子虫,并比较该生物体和其他隐孢子虫物种的形态,宿主特异性,器官位置和小亚基RNA(SSU rRNA)基因序列。尽管小肠隐孢子虫和小隐隐孢子虫匈牙利小牛分离物(人畜共患病基因型)卵囊之间的表型差异很小,但具有统计学意义。土耳其小球藻的卵囊已在火鸡中成功传代,并从火鸡传播到免疫抑制的小鼠,再从小鼠传播到鸡。 C的位置。 meleagridis是小肠,就像小鹦鹉螺的位置一样。从火鸡中分离得到的米氏梭菌的SSU rRNA基因的可变区的序列数据与GenBank数据库中的其他隐孢子虫序列数据的比较显示,匈牙利的米氏梭菌序列与北卡罗来纳州最近描述的米氏梭菌序列相同隔离。因此,C。 meleagridis是世界范围内广泛存在的独特物种,具有广泛的宿主范围,例如小小隐孢子虫人畜共患病株(也称为小牛或牛株)和猫隐孢子虫。因为鸟类容易感染C。这些动物可能对白粉病和某些人畜共患的小隐孢子虫具有积极的作用,不仅对百色隐孢子虫也对小隐孢子虫样寄生虫在地表水污染中发挥了积极作用。



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