首页> 外文期刊>Applied and Environmental Microbiology >Detection of enteroviruses in groundwater with the polymerase chain reaction.

Detection of enteroviruses in groundwater with the polymerase chain reaction.




Standard methods for the detection of enteroviruses in environmental samples involve the use of cell culture, which is expensive and time-consuming. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an attractive method for the detection of enteroviruses in water because primary cell culture is not needed and the increased sensitivity of PCR allows detection of the low numbers of target DNAs and RNAs usually found in environmental samples. However, environmental samples often contain substances that inhibit PCR amplification of target DNA and RNA. Procedures that remove substances that interfere with the amplification process need to be developed if PCR is to be successfully applied to environmental samples. An RNA-PCR assay for the detection of enteroviruses in water was developed and used to test a variety of groundwater concentrates and humic acid solutions seeded with poliovirus type 1. The groundwater samples and humic acid solutions were treated with Sephadex G-50, Sephadex G-100, Sephadex G-200, Chelex-100 resin, and a mixed bed resin to remove PCR-inhibitory material from the samples. Sephadex G-100 in combination with Chelex-100 was found to be very effective in removing inhibitory factors for the detection of enteroviruses in groundwater concentrates by PCR. Viruses were detected in two of the groundwater concentrates by the RNA-PCR assay after treatment with Sephadex G-100 plus Chelex-100. This was confirmed by tissue culture, suggesting that the treatment protocol and, subsequently, the RNA-PCR assay are applicable for the detection of enteroviruses in environmental samples.
机译:用于检测环境样品中肠病毒的标准方法涉及使用细胞培养,这既昂贵又费时。聚合酶链反应(PCR)是检测水中肠病毒的一种有吸引力的方法,因为不需要原代细胞培养,而且PCR灵敏度的提高允许检测环境样品中通常存在的少量目标DNA和RNA。但是,环境样品中通常含有抑制目标DNA和RNA的PCR扩增的物质。如果要将PCR成功应用于环境样品,则需要开发去除干扰扩增过程的物质的程序。开发了一种用于检测水中肠病毒的RNA-PCR分析方法,并用于检测接种了1型脊髓灰质炎病毒的各种地下水浓缩物和腐殖酸溶液。用Sephadex G-50,Sephadex G处理了地下水样品和腐殖酸溶液。 -100,Sephadex G-200,Chelex-100树脂和混合床树脂,以从样品中去除PCR抑制材料。研究发现,Sephadex G-100与Chelex-100联合使用可有效去除抑制因子,以通过PCR检测地下水浓缩物中的肠病毒。在用Sephadex G-100加Chelex-100处理后,通过RNA-PCR分析在两个地下水浓缩物中检测到病毒。组织培养证实了这一点,表明该治疗方案以及随后的RNA-PCR分析适用于检测环境样品中的肠病毒。



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