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Structures of Ammonia Cluster Cations




Structures of unprotonated [(NH3)n+(n = 1-6)] and protonated [NH4+(NH3)n-1(n = 1-6)] ammonia cluster cations have been optimized with ab initio Hartree-Fock (HF) and second-order Mller-Plesset (MP2)/6-31+G ** levels and the harmonic vibrational frequencies have also been evaluated. In unprotonated cluster cations, NH3+ forms as a central core of the first ammonia solvation shell. In protonated cluster cations, NH4+ forms as a central core. In unprotonated dimer and trimer cations, there are two types of isomers (hydrogen-bonded and head-to-head interactions). In both cluster cations, the hydrogen-bonded isomers are more stable. In the hydrogen-bonded dimer cation, the proton transfer reaction takes place from (NH3-HN+H2) to (NH4+-NH2). But in the other unprotonated cluster cations, the proton transfer does not take place. In unprotonated pentamer and hexamer, a NH3+ core has both interactions in a complex. On the other hand, in unprotonated tetramer a core has only the hydrogen-bonded type combined with neutral ammonia molecules. With increasing cluster cation size, the bond lengths [R(NN)] between two nitrogen atoms and the distances [R(N ...H)] of the hydrogen-bond increase reg-ularly. In the calculated infra-red absorption bands for ammonia cluster cations, the characteristic peaks of the bridged NH vibration of the hydrogen-bonded clusters appear near 2500 cm-1 . With increasing size, the peaks shift from 2306 cm-1 to 2780 cm-1 .
机译:从头算起就用Hartree-Fock(HF)和H2O3优化了未质子化[(NH3)n +(n = 1-6)]和质子化[NH4 +(NH3)n-1(n = 1-6)]氨团簇阳离子的结构。还评估了二阶Mller-Plesset(MP2)/ 6-31 + G **电平和谐波振动频率。在未质子化的簇状阳离子中,NH3 +形成为第一个氨化溶剂壳的中心核。在质子簇阳离子中,NH4 +形成为中心核。在未质子化的二聚和三聚阳离子中,有两种异构体(氢键键合和头对头相互作用)。在两个簇阳离子中,氢键异构体都更稳定。在氢键合的二聚阳离子中,质子转移反应从(NH3-HN + H2)发生到(NH4 + -NH2)。但是在其他未质子化的簇阳离子中,质子转移不会发生。在无质子化的五聚体和六聚体中,NH 3+核在复合物中具有两种相互作用。另一方面,在非质子化的四聚体中,核仅具有氢键结合型与中性氨分子结合。随着簇阳离子尺寸的增加,两个氮原子之间的键长[R(NN)]和氢键的距离[R(N ... H)]呈规律性增加。在计算出的氨团簇阳离子的红外吸收带中,氢键团簇的桥接NH振动的特征峰出现在2500 cm-1附近。随着大小的增加,峰从2306 cm-1移到2780 cm-1。



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