
Book Reviews -- complete




Braedley, Susan and Meg Luxton, eds. Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. Scott, James C. The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. Soederberg, Susanne. Corporate Power and Ownership in Contemporary Capitalism: The Politics of Resistance and Domination. Lyon, Sarah and Mark Moberg, eds. Fair Trade and Social Justice: Global Ethnographies. Santucci, Antonio A. Antonio Gramsci. Thomas, Peter D. The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism. Kramer, Reinhold and Tom Mitchell. When the State Trembled: How A.J. Andrews and the Citizens’ Committee Broke the Winnipeg General Strike. Francis, Daniel. Seeing Reds: The Red Scare of 1918-19, Canada’s First War on Terror. Gordon, Todd. Imperialist Canada. Yee, Jessica, ed. Feminism for Real: Deconstructing the Academic Industrial Complex of Feminism. Aronsen, Lawrence. City of Love and Revolution: Vancouver in the Sixties. Mills, Sean. The Empire Within: Postcolonial Thought and Political Activism in Sixties Montréal.
机译:Braedley,Susan和Meg Luxton编辑。新自由主义与日常生活。斯科特(Scott),詹姆斯(James C)。“不受统治的艺术:东南亚高地的无政府主义历史”。苏珊伯格(Soederberg),苏珊。当代资本主义中的公司权力和所有权:抵抗和统治的政治。里昂,莎拉和马克·莫伯格合编。公平贸易与社会正义:全球民族志。 Santucci,Antonio A. Antonio Gramsci。托马斯(Thomas),彼得D.(Peter D.)葛兰西斯时刻:哲学,霸权主义和马克思主义。 Kramer,Reinhold和Tom Mitchell。当国家陷入困境时:A.J。安德鲁斯和公民委员会打破了温尼伯大罢工。弗朗西斯·丹尼尔。看见红人:1918-19年的红色恐慌,加拿大的第一次反恐战争。戈登,托德。加拿大帝国主义者。是的,杰西卡(Jessica)编辑。真正的女权主义:解构女权主义的学术产业综合体。劳伦斯·阿伦森。爱与革命之城:六十年代的温哥华。肖恩·米尔斯。帝国内部:蒙特利尔的后殖民思想与政治行动主义。



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