首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Lithic Studies >The Mousterian lithic assemblage of the Ciota Ciara cave (Piedmont, Northern Italy): Exploitation and conditioning of raw materials

The Mousterian lithic assemblage of the Ciota Ciara cave (Piedmont, Northern Italy): Exploitation and conditioning of raw materials

机译:Ciota Ciara洞穴(意大利北部的皮埃蒙特)的穆斯特石器组合:原材料的开发和利用



The Ciota Ciara cave is situated in Monte Fenera’s karst (Borgosesia – Vercelli), at 670 metres above sea level. It is the most important evidence of a Middle Palaeolithic settlement in Piedmont: the cave was used by Homo neanderthalensis during the OIS 5, in a mild-humid period, as proven by faunal remains. The environment was characterized by deciduous woodland and glades. The intersection between different habitats, the presence of lithic raw materials, the karst morphology and water sources were certainly the main factors that encouraged human settlement during the Upper Pleistocene period, between 80.000 and 70.000 BP. In 2009 systematic excavations began in the cave by the University of Ferrara, in partnership with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e del Museo di Antichità Egizie . Research focused on the cave’s atrium where three stratigraphic units were investigated: 13, 103 and 14. The exploited raw materials’ characterization were made by the stereo-microscope observations and through the SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). Several lithologies are represented in different proportion: quartz is the predominant exploited raw material, followed by spongolite, sandstone, mylonite and opal. The archaeological record consists of various typologies of quartz: macro-crystalline pegmatite quartz, micro-crystalline pegmatite quartz and hyaline quartz. All these types of raw materials have been found in the proximity of the archaeological site, within 5 km range. The lithic assemblage is made of flakes, retouched tools, cores and debris . The raw materials exploitation was achieved through the direct percussion technique with various methods: S.S.D.A. , discoid and Levallois . The reduction sequences on quartz are complete, although no refitting was found. The reduction sequence is not complete for most part of the other raw materials. The débitage products are small-medium size (1-4 cm) and have different morphologies. The use-wear analysis on quartz’s artefacts was carried out using the low power approach. The preservation state of the lithic assemblage is very good and no chemical, mechanical or post-depositional alterations are evident. The use-wear analysis shows a predominance of medium-hard and medium-soft materials processing. The lithic industries characteristics show the production strategies adaptation typical of the Middle Palaeolithic to the characteristics of the non-sedimentary raw materials.
机译:Ciota Ciara洞穴位于Monte Fenera的喀斯特(Borgosesia – Vercelli)喀斯特,海拔670米。这是皮埃蒙特中部旧石器时代聚落的最重要证据:该洞穴由尼安德特人(Oomo neanderthalensis)在OIS 5期间处于温和潮湿的时期使用,并得到了动物遗骸的证明。环境的特点是落叶林地和林间空地。不同生境之间的交汇点,石质原料的存在,岩溶地貌和水源无疑是鼓励人类在上更新世时期(80.000至70.000 BP)下定居的主要因素。 2009年,费拉拉大学与贝尼考古学博物馆,皮埃蒙特考古博物馆和埃奇齐埃博物馆博物馆合作,在洞穴中进行了系统的发掘。研究集中在洞穴的中庭,研究了三个地层单位:13、103和14。通过立体显微镜观察和通过SEM(扫描电子显微镜)对所开采原料的特征进行了描述。几种岩性以不同的比例表示:石英是主要的开采原料,其次是海绵岩,砂岩,my石和蛋白石。考古记录由各种类型的石英组成:大晶伟晶岩石英,微晶伟晶岩和透明石英。所有这些类型的原材料均已在考古遗址附近5公里范围内找到。石器由碎片,修饰的工具,芯子和碎屑组成。通过直接打击乐技术采用多种方法实现了原料开采:S.S.D.A. ,盘状和Levallois。石英的还原顺序是完整的,尽管没有找到合适的方法。大部分其他原材料的还原顺序不完整。 débitage产品尺寸中等(1-4厘米),并且具有不同的形态。使用低功耗方法对石英制品进行了磨损分析。石器组合物的保存状态非常好,没有明显的化学,机械或沉积后变化。使用磨损分析表明,中硬和中软材料加工占主导地位。石器时代的工业特征显示了中古石器时代典型的生产策略适应非沉积性原材料的特征。



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