首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India >A Randomized, Open-labelled, Interventional Study to Evaluate the Incidence of Infection with or Without Use of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Patients of Episiotomy in a Normal Vaginal Delivery

A Randomized, Open-labelled, Interventional Study to Evaluate the Incidence of Infection with or Without Use of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Patients of Episiotomy in a Normal Vaginal Delivery




Aim The aim of this study was to compare the incidence of infection in patients of episiotomy with or without the use of prophylactic antibiotics and to compare other morbidities associated with episiotomy and the role of antibiotics in their prevention and treatment. Design This open-labelled, randomized, interventional study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, from October 2014 to October 2015. Three hundred women subjected to episiotomy during normal vaginal delivery in the labour ward from BYL Nair Charitable Hospital fulfilling specific criteria were enrolled in this study and randomly divided into two study groups A and B. In group A, 5-day course of prophylactic antibiotics including tablet cefixime 200?mg BD and tablet metronidazole 400?mg TDS was given, and in group B, prophylactic antibiotics were not given. The two groups were followed up for a period of 5-days postpartum and observed for signs and symptoms of infection. Main Outcome Presence of infection, i.e. presence of any positive finding including redness/pain/swelling/wound discharge or wound gape in group A (with antibiotics), was 0.7%, and in group B (without antibiotics) was 2%. The p value by Fischer’s exact test was 0.622 which is not significant. Hence, there was no increased incidence of infection in either group, whether antibiotics were given or not. Conclusion To summarise, in our study, it was seen that prophylactic antibiotics did not decrease the incidence of infection in episiotomy following normal vaginal delivery in uncomplicated cases, but further studies are required to evaluate this topic and come to a more definitive conclusion.
机译:目的本研究的目的是比较在有或没有使用预防性抗生素的情况下,会阴切开术患者的感染发生率,并比较与会阴切开术相关的其他发病率以及抗生素在其预防和治疗中的作用。设计该开放标签,随机,干预性研究于2014年10月至2015年10月在马哈拉施特拉邦孟买BYL Nair慈善医院的妇产科进行。三百名妇女在正常的阴道分娩过程中接受了会阴切开术。来自BYL Nair慈善医院的符合特定标准的研究被随机分为两个研究组A和B。在A组中,为期5天的预防性抗生素疗程包括片剂头孢克肟200毫克BD和片剂甲硝唑400毫克TDS。给予,而在B组中,未给予预防性抗生素。两组均接受了产后5天的随访,并观察了感染的体征和症状。主要结果感染的存在,即A组(使用抗生素)的任何阳性发现(包括发红/疼痛/肿胀/伤口分泌物或伤口气隙)为0.7%,B组(不使用抗生素)的为2%。 Fischer的精确检验得出的p值为0.622,这并不显着。因此,无论是否使用抗生素,两组的感染率均没有增加。结论总而言之,在我们的研究中,可以看到预防性抗生素并没有减少在非复杂病例中正常阴道分娩后会阴切开术中感染的发生率,但是需要进一步的研究来评估这个话题,并得出更明确的结论。



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