首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection >A typical bilateral Toxoplasma retinochoroiditis in a bone marrow transplant patient with negative serum titers

A typical bilateral Toxoplasma retinochoroiditis in a bone marrow transplant patient with negative serum titers




Toxoplasma retinochoroiditis can have an atypical presentation and be difficult to diagnose in immunocompromised patients. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment is important since the disease can be aggressive in these patients. This paper is a case report with literature review, emphasizing on the diagnosis and treatment of Toxoplasma retinochoroiditis. A 27-year-old male with chronic myelogenous leukemia with history of bone marrow transplantation presented with floaters in his right eye. Fundus exam showed bilateral, multifocal retinochoroiditis with subsequent development of a mild vitritis. Serum cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis antibody titers and syphilis screen were negative. Aqueous polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis revealed the presence of Toxoplasma gondii DNA OU. Clindamycin (1.0 mg/0.1 mL) was injected bilateral intravitreal OU twice at 4 days apart with subsequent resolution of retinochoroiditis. When evaluating retinochoroiditis in an immunocompromised patient, one must keep a high index of suspicion for atypical presentations of well-known disease entities. Aqueous and vitreous samples for PCR can be useful in obtaining an accurate diagnosis and therefore provide appropriate management for the patient. Intravitreal clindamycin is an option for treatment in these patients.
机译:弓形体视网膜脉络膜炎可能具有非典型表现,并且在免疫功能低下的患者中难以诊断。准确的诊断和适当的治疗很重要,因为这些患者可能患有这种疾病。本文是一例病例报告,并有文献综述,着重于弓形虫视网膜脉络膜炎的诊断和治疗。一位27岁的男性,患有慢性粒细胞性白血病,有骨髓移植史,右眼出现浮游生物。眼底检查显示双侧多灶性视网膜脉络膜炎,随后发展为轻度玻璃体炎。血清巨细胞病毒和弓形虫抗体滴度和梅毒筛查均为阴性。水聚合酶链反应(PCR)分析显示弓形虫DNA OU的存在。每隔4天注射两次克林霉素(1.0 mg / 0.1 mL)双侧玻璃体内OU,随后解决视网膜脉络膜炎。在免疫力低下的患者中评估视网膜脉络膜炎时,必须高度怀疑已知疾病实体的非典型表现。用于PCR的水和玻璃样品可用于获得准确的诊断,因此可为患者提供适当的管理。玻璃体内克林霉素是这些患者的治疗选择。



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