
An adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in disguise




Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is a slowly growing benign tumor of the oral cavity. It accounts of 3-7% of all odontogenic tumors. It is seen to occur commonly in the anterior maxilla. The tumor is usually associated with an impacted tooth with maxillary canine being the most common tooth. AOT is seen in a younger group, especially below 20 years with a female preponderance. AOT occurs in two main variants: Central or intraosseous which is more common and second is peripheral which is rare. Radiologically, it represents as a radiolucent lesion with radiopaque foci usually an impacted or a supernumerary tooth. With a close clinical and radiographic resemblance to dentigerous cyst correct diagnosis and treatment is necessary. AOT being benign in nature requires a conservative management with enucleation. This is a case report of a 13-year-old girl with an AOT occurring in the anterior maxillary region.
机译:腺瘤样牙源性肿瘤(AOT)是口腔中生长缓慢的良性肿瘤。它占所有牙源性肿瘤的3-7%。常见于上颌前骨。肿瘤通常与患牙有关,上颌犬是最常见的牙齿。 AOT出现在较年轻的人群中,尤其是20岁以下的女性占优势。 AOT发生两种主要变体:中央的或骨内的较常见,其次为外周的很少见。在放射学上,它表现为具有不透射线病灶的不透射线病变,通常是患牙或多余的牙齿。由于临床和影像学上与牙周囊肿相似,因此正确的诊断和治疗是必要的。 AOT本质上是良性的,因此需要保守的管理。这是一名13岁女孩在上颌前区发生AOT的病例报告。



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