首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Processing & Technology >Anti-Nutritional Factors of Green Leaves of Cassia obtusifolia and Kawal

Anti-Nutritional Factors of Green Leaves of Cassia obtusifolia and Kawal




Cassia obtusifolia (family leguminous) is a wild African plant found in wastelands in the rainy season. Its leaves can be fermented (named kawal) and is used by people from the eastern part of Chad and the western part of Sudan as meat replacer or meat extender. The role of kawal and the like is in providing the sauces which make these staples palatable. During famine years, kawal, a protein source, probably protected many children against kwashiorkor. Until a few years ago, kawal was little known to most Sudanese, for it was a product confined to the western provinces of the country, away from populated areas and centers of influence. Then as today, kawal was shunned by the elite who consider it unfit for modern social life because of its repugnant, fetid odor that lingers on the fingers for hours. The objectives of this study were to assess the effect of fermentation on anti-nutritional factors of Cassia obtusifolia leaves. The in vitro protein digestibility was significant (P<0.05) increased from 49.43 to 61.87%. It is recommended to use fermentation to decrease anti-nutritional factors of Cassia obtusifolia.
机译:决明子(豆科)是一种非洲野生植物,在雨季的荒地中发现。它的叶子可以发酵(命名为kawal),乍得东部和苏丹西部的人们将其用作肉的替代品或增量剂。卡哇尔等的作用是提供使这些主食可口的调味料。在饥荒年代,卡哇尔(一种蛋白质来源)可能保护了许多儿童免于患钩端螺旋体。直到几年前,卡哇尔对大多数苏丹人还是鲜为人知,因为它是一种产品,仅限于该国的西部省份,远离人口稠密地区和影响中心。就像今天一样,卡哇尔被精英们所避开,他们认为它不适合现代社会生活,因为它令人讨厌的臭味在手指上徘徊了数小时。这项研究的目的是评估发酵对决明子叶片抗营养因子的影响。体外蛋白消化率显着(P <0.05)从49.43提高到61.87%。建议使用发酵来减少决明子的抗营养因子。



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