首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Dietary patterns and feeding problems of Turkish children with intellectual disabilities and typically developing children

Dietary patterns and feeding problems of Turkish children with intellectual disabilities and typically developing children




This study aimed to determine whether dietary patterns and feeding problems differ among children with intellectual disabilities (ID) and typically developing children (TDC) in Turkey. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 220 (112 children with ID and 108 TDC) 7-12 aged children in Konya, Turkey. We assessed usual dietary intakes by a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and gathered information on the children’s problems about feeding by a feeding assessment survey. Children with ID were found to consume significantly more daily servings of Juice and sweetened non-dairy beverages (2.3 versus 1.2, p = 0.02) and desserts (4.2 versus 2.8, p = 0.01) and significantly fewer daily servings of vegetables (0.8 versus 1.8, p = 0.008) than TDC. The most common problems of children with ID were limited food variety, eating fast and eating too much. We found that limited food variety and food refusal problems are common in children with ID but not in TDC. Other problems, difficulty swallowing and skipping dinner, are less common in both groups.
机译:这项研究旨在确定土耳其的智障儿童(ID)和通常发育中的儿童(TDC)的饮食模式和喂养问题是否有所不同。这项横断面研究是在土耳其科尼亚(Konya)的220名(112名ID患儿和108名TDC)7-12岁儿童中进行的。我们通过半定量食物频率问卷评估了日常饮食摄入量,并通过一次喂养评估调查收集了有关儿童喂养问题的信息。发现患有ID的儿童每天食用的果汁和加甜的非乳制饮料(2.3比1.2,p = 0.02)和甜品(4.2比2.8,p = 0.01)明显多,蔬菜的每日份数明显减少(0.8比1.8:1.8) ,p = 0.008)。患有ID的孩子最常见的问题是食物种类有限,进食速度快和吃得太多。我们发现有限的食物种类和拒绝食物的问题在有ID的儿童中很常见,而在TDC中则不常见。其他问题,如吞咽困难和不吃晚餐,在两组中都不太常见。



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