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Education as Unfolding, Preparation and Growth: A Reflection from John Dewey’s Perspectives and Its Implications to African Context




Perhaps one of the concepts that have no single definition is ‘ education ’. Over multiple of definitions of the term, at least we can say education can categorically be defined either as a process or as an outcome. This papers aims to describe John Dewey’s perspectives on education, from the book of “ Democracy and Education: An introduction to the Philosophy of Education ” as he tries to describe the ongoing debate on whether education should be defined as a growth, as a preparation or as unfolding. The paper also raises some critiques on the conceptualization of education and it largely shows its implications to families, teachers or school managements as well as policy makers toward connecting the concepts of education with pedagogies as well as having the clear objectives on the education process. African countries need to consider that the process of education is designed differently from one country to another basing on the way education is conceptualized. If education is taken as unfolding or preparation, it is better for the curriculums, education policies, syllabuses as well as pedagogy to reflect the particular concept of education in articulated in such particular country.
机译:可能没有单一定义的概念之一就是“教育”。在该术语的多种定义上,至少我们可以说教育可以被分类为过程或结果。本文旨在描述约翰·杜威(John Dewey)关于教育的观点,他在《民主与教育:教育哲学概论》一书中试图描述关于教育是否应被定义为增长,准备或准备的争论。作为展开。本文还对教育的概念化提出了一些批评,并在很大程度上表明了其对家庭,教师或学校管理人员以及政策制定者在将教育概念与教学法联系起来以及对教育过程制定明确目标方面的意义。非洲国家需要考虑到教育过程在一个国家与另一个国家之间的不同设计取决于教育的概念化方式。如果将教育作为发展或准备,那么课程,教育政策,教学大纲和教学法最好反映该特定国家所表达的特定教育概念。



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