首页> 外文会议>International Seminar on Education Research and Social Science >John Dewey's Perspectives on Democratic Education and its Implication for Current Educational Reform

John Dewey's Perspectives on Democratic Education and its Implication for Current Educational Reform

机译:John Dewey对民主教育的观点及其对当前教育改革的含义



John Dewey was the most influential philosopher of education in America. His famous work Democracy and Education has produced tremendous influence on education in the world since its birth in 1916. This paper, based on current literature, attempts to present Dewey's perspectives on democratic education, analyze the present educational situations at traditional schools, and discuss the corresponding curriculum and instruction for Dewey's model of democratic education. It is expected that this paper can bring some insights into the current educational reform in the world.
机译:John Dewey是美国最具影响力的教育哲学家。自1916年出生以来,他着名的工作民主和教育对世界的教育产生了巨大的影响。本文根据当前的文学,试图展示杜威对民主教育的观点,分析了传统学校的目前教育局,并讨论了杜威民主教育模式的相应课程和教学。预计本文将对世界上目前的教育改革提供一些洞察力。



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