首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >The Relationship between University of Petra Pre-service Classroom Teachers’ Attitudes toward Graphs and Their Ability to Read and Interpret Them

The Relationship between University of Petra Pre-service Classroom Teachers’ Attitudes toward Graphs and Their Ability to Read and Interpret Them




The aim of this study is twofold: (a) to investigate the relationship between University of Petra pre-service classroom teachers’ attitudes toward graphs and their ability to read and interpret them, (b) the impact of the following factors on their attitudes toward graphs and their ability to read and interpret them: (1) high school stream (scientific, literary, information technology, others); (2) academic level at university (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) and; (3) the number of science and mathematics courses they had taken at the University. Data were collected using two questionnaires: the attitude toward graphs which was developed by Mumba et al. (2009), and the ability to read and interpret them, which was developed by the researchers. The study sample consisted of 122 female students who were enrolled in the classroom teacher major at the University of Petra in Jordan. The results showed that: (1) pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward graphs on the overall scale were moderate; and the pre-service teachers valued graphs, expressed moderate interest in graphs, and moderate cognitive competence for graphing, although they did not make enough effort concerning graphs (2) the attitudes of classroom teachers toward graphs became more positive as they advanced in their level of academic year (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) as well as by the increase in the number of science and mathematics courses they have attended at the University; (3) level of pre-service classroom teachers’ ability to read graphs was below the educationally accepted level. In addition, the ability to read graphs seems to increase as students advance further in their academic level; (4) the presence of statistically significant correlation between students' attitudes toward graphs and their ability to read and interpret them. Keywords: read and interpret graphs, pre-service classroom teacher, attitudes.
机译:这项研究的目的是双重的:(a)研究佩特拉大学职前课堂教师对图形的态度与他们阅读和解释图形的能力之间的关系,(b)以下因素对他们对图形的态度的影响图形及其阅读和解释它们的能力:(1)高中阶段(科学,文学,信息技术等); (2)大学学历(新生,大二,初中,高年级);以及(3)他们在大学修过的科学和数学课程的数量。数据使用两个问卷收集:Mumba等人开发的对图形的态度。 (2009),以及阅读和解释它们的能力,这是研究人员开发的。该研究样本包括122名女学生,这些学生在约旦佩特拉大学的课堂教师专业中就读。结果表明:(1)职前教师对总体规模图的态度是中等的;职前教师重视图形,对图形表达了中等的兴趣,并且对图形的认知能力中等,尽管他们在图形方面没有付出足够的努力(2)随着水平的提高,课堂教师对图形的态度变得更加积极学年(大一,大二,大三,大四)以及他们在大学参加的科学和数学课程数量的增加; (3)职前课堂教师阅读图表的能力低于教育水平。另外,随着学生学习水平的进一步提高,阅读图表的能力似乎也在提高。 (4)学生对图形的态度与他们阅读和解释图形的能力之间存在统计上显着的相关性。关键字:阅读和解释图表,职前课堂教师,态度。



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