首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Caring Sciences >Factors Affecting the Decision to Quit Smoking of the Participants of a Hospital-Based Smoking Cessation Program in Greece

Factors Affecting the Decision to Quit Smoking of the Participants of a Hospital-Based Smoking Cessation Program in Greece




Introduction The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that affect people who are in the process of quitting smoking. Methods A randomly selected sample of 110 participants in a smoking cessation program (SCP) of a hospital in Thessaloniki Greece. Instruments of data collection were i) the Demographic Data Lifestyle Questionnaire and ii) the Fragerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire. ANOVA tests between the Demographic Data Lifestyle Questionnaire and the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire relating to the smokersa?? determination to quit smoking applied. Results Work satisfaction was related to whether the participants had difficulty to smoke in places that prohibited smoking and to how many cigarettes they smoked per day. If a non-smoker partner was urging the participant to quit smoking, it affected the hours of the day when the respondents smoked more cigarettes. Pressure from a non-smoking spouse was a deterrent from smoking many cigarettes during morning hours. Those participants who consumed alcohol smoked cigarettes containing higher levels of nicotine. Conclusion Smoking cessation is a difficult process which is influenced by many factors such as educational level, work satisfaction and the presence of a partner.
机译:引言这项研究的目的是调查影响戒烟过程中人们的因素。方法从希腊萨洛尼卡市一家医院的戒烟计划(SCP)中随机抽取110名参与者作为样本。数据收集的工具有:i)人口统计学数据生活方式调查表; ii)弗格斯通容忍量表。关于吸烟者的人口统计学数据生活方式问卷和法格斯特罗姆公差问卷之间的方差分析测试?决心戒烟。结果工作满意度与参与者是否在禁止吸烟的地方吸烟困难以及他们每天吸烟多少香烟有关。如果非吸烟伴侣敦促参与者戒烟,那会影响受访者一天中抽更多烟的时间。不吸烟的配偶施加的压力阻止了早上抽很多烟。那些饮酒的参与者吸烟时所含的尼古丁含量较高。结论戒烟是一个困难的过程,受许多因素的影响,例如学历,工作满意度和伴侣的存在。



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