首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Medicine >Mechanisms Involved in the Improvement of Lipotoxicity and Impaired Lipid Metabolism by Dietary α-Linolenic Acid Rich Salvia hispanica L (Salba) Seed in the Heart of Dyslipemic Insulin-Resistant Rats

Mechanisms Involved in the Improvement of Lipotoxicity and Impaired Lipid Metabolism by Dietary α-Linolenic Acid Rich Salvia hispanica L (Salba) Seed in the Heart of Dyslipemic Insulin-Resistant Rats




This study explores the mechanisms underlying the altered lipid metabolism in the heart of dyslipemic insulin-resistant (IR) rats fed a sucrose-rich diet (SRD) and investigates if chia seeds (rich in α-linolenic acid 18:3, n -3 ALA) improve/reverse cardiac lipotoxicity. Wistar rats received an SRD-diet for three months. Half of the animals continued with the SRD up to month 6. The other half was fed an SRD in which the fat source, corn oil (CO), was replaced by chia seeds from month 3 to 6 (SRD+chia). A reference group consumed a control diet (CD) all the time. Triglyceride, long-chain acyl CoA (LC ACoA) and diacylglycerol (DAG) contents, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHc) and muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (M-CPT1) activities and protein mass levels of M-CPT1, membrane fatty acid transporter (FAT/CD36), peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α (PPARα) and uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) were analyzed. Results show that: (a) the hearts of SRD-fed rats display lipotoxicity suggesting impaired myocardial lipid utilization; (b) Compared with the SRD group, dietary chia normalizes blood pressure; reverses/improves heart lipotoxicity, glucose oxidation, the increased protein mass level of FAT/CD36, and the impaired insulin stimulated FAT/CD36 translocation to the plasma membrane. The enhanced M-CPT1 activity is markedly reduced without similar changes in protein mass. PPARα slightly decreases, while the UCP2 protein level remains unchanged in all groups. Normalization of dyslipidemia and IR by chia reduces plasma fatty acids (FAs) availability, suggesting that a different milieu prevents the robust translocation of FAT/CD36. This could reduce the influx of FAs, decreasing the elevated M-CPT1 activity and lipid storage and improving glucose oxidation in cardiac muscles of SRD-fed rats.
机译:这项研究探索了富含蔗糖饮食(SRD)的血脂异常胰岛素抵抗(IR)大鼠心脏脂质代谢改变的潜在机制,并研究了正大种子(富含α-亚麻酸18:3,n -3 ALA)可改善/逆转心脏脂质毒性。 Wistar大鼠接受了SRD饮食三个月。一半的动物继续接受SRD直至第6个月,另一半接受SRD喂养,其中从第3个月到第6个月的奇亚籽代替了脂肪来源玉米油(CO)(SRD + chia)。参照组一直在食用对照饮食(CD)。甘油三酸酯,长链酰基辅酶A(LC ACoA)和二酰基甘油(DAG)的含量,丙酮酸脱氢酶复合物(PDHc)和肌肉型肉碱棕榈酰转移酶1(M-CPT1)的活性以及M-CPT1,膜脂肪酸转运蛋白的蛋白质质量水平(FAT / CD36),过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体α(PPARα)和解偶联蛋白2(UCP2)进行了分析。结果表明:(a)用SRD喂养的大鼠的心脏表现出脂毒性,表明心肌脂质利用受损。 (b)与SRD组相比,饮食结构使血压正常化;逆转/改善心脏的脂毒性,葡萄糖氧化,FAT / CD36的蛋白质质量水平提高以及胰岛素刺激的FAT / CD36转运至质膜的功能受损。增强的M-CPT1活性显着降低,而蛋白质质量没有类似变化。在所有组中,PPARα略有下降,而UCP2蛋白水平保持不变。 Chia对血脂异常和IR的正常化会降低血浆脂肪酸(FAs)的利用率,这表明不同的环境会阻止FAT / CD36的稳固易位。这可以减少FAs的流入,降低SRD喂养的大鼠心肌中M-CPT1活性和脂质存储的升高,并改善葡萄糖氧化。



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