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Human Resource Management, International Labour Standards and Globalization




Human resource is one of the eight inputs of the systems cybernetic model. The other inputs are materials, money, time, energy, knowledge, information and infrastructure. These inputs are transformed by the process to get the output with feedback and control. The human resource is considered as the most important resource even in automated systems. There is a need to have the human element to trigger production. This is because all other inputs are inert. Management has the responsibility to ensure that organizational objectives and goals are achieved by utilizing both human and material resources. Human resource management is that aspect of management that handles the management of people at work. It is a very important managerial function just like production, finance, marketing, research and development and innovation. It handles such activities like recruitment, selection, placement, orientation, induction, training and development, wage administration, industrial relations management and employee welfare management and motivation. There are many international benchmarks that are needed for effective human resource management. This study therefore undertakes a review of human resource management within the context of international labour standards and globalization. Keywords: Human Resource Management, Labour Standards, Globalization



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