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Die keuring van kandidate vir teologiese opleiding: Noodsaak en toepassing




The selection of candidates for theological training: Necessity and application The selection of candidates for theological training is a sensitive issue, as many see it as a verdict on the authenticity of the prospective student's claim of having been called to ministry by God. This article argues that, in addition to a sense of calling, the profile of a candidate should include abilities in terms of office (power), profession (capability) and person (adequacy). The process of selection should involve all these aspects. The guidelines of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa in this regard in its publication, A–Z Handleiding aangaande predikante van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, are discussed. The selection process should not be seen as a test of the authenticity of candidates's sense of calling, but rather as a way in which candidates can be guided to discern their calling and place within the body of Christ. A positive outcome in the areas of office, capability and adequacy could confirm the claim of having been called by God. The article concludes that the selection of candidates for theological training is not a single event, but a process that starts when the prospective candidate reports to the church council, and is completed with the pastor's ordination by the church.
机译:选择神学训练的候选人:必要性和应用选择神学训练的候选人是一个敏感的问题,许多人认为这是对准学生声称被上帝传召服事的真实性的判断。本文认为,除了要有求职感外,候选人的形象还应包括就职能力(权力),职业(能力)和人格(能力)。选择过程应涉及所有这些方面。南非荷兰改革教会在这方面的指导方针在其出版物《 A–Z Handleiding aangaande predikante van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk》中得到了讨论。甄选过程不应被视为考生呼唤真实性的考验,而应被视为指导候选人辨别自己的呼召和在基督体内的地位的一种方式。在职权,能力和适当性方面的积极成果可以证实被上帝呼召的说法。文章得出的结论是,神学训练候选人的选择不是一个单一的事件,而是一个过程,该过程从准候选人向教会理事会报告时开始,并在教会牧师的任命下完成。



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