首页> 外文期刊>Human Resources for Health >Analysis of policy implications and challenges of the Cuban health assistance program related to human resources for health in the Pacific

Analysis of policy implications and challenges of the Cuban health assistance program related to human resources for health in the Pacific




Background Cuba has extended its medical cooperation to Pacific Island Countries (PICs) by supplying doctors to boost service delivery and offering scholarships for Pacific Islanders to study medicine in Cuba. Given the small populations of PICs, the Cuban engagement could prove particularly significant for health systems development in the region. This paper reviews the magnitude and form of Cuban medical cooperation in the Pacific and analyses its implications for health policy, human resource capacity and overall development assistance for health in the region. Methods We reviewed both published and grey literature on health workforce in the Pacific including health workforce plans and human resource policy documents. Further information was gathered through discussions with key stakeholders involved in health workforce development in the region. Results Cuba formalised its relationship with PICs in September 2008 following the first Cuba-Pacific Islands ministerial meeting. Some 33 Cuban health personnel work in Pacific Island Countries and 177 Pacific island students are studying medicine in Cuba in 2010 with the most extensive engagement in Kiribati, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. The cost of the Cuban medical cooperation to PICs comes in the form of countries providing benefits and paying allowances to in-country Cuban health workers and return airfares for their students in Cuba. This has been seen by some PICs as a cheaper alternative to training doctors in other countries. Conclusions The Cuban engagement with PICs, while smaller than engagement with other countries, presents several opportunities and challenges for health system strengthening in the region. In particular, it allows PICs to increase their health workforce numbers at relatively low cost and extends delivery of health services to remote areas. A key challenge is that with the potential increase in the number of medical doctors, once the local students return from Cuba, some PICs may face substantial rises in salary expenditure which could significantly strain already stretched government budgets. Finally, the Cuban engagement in the Pacific has implications for the wider geo-political and health sector support environment as the relatively few major bilateral donors, notably Australia (through AusAID) and New Zealand (through NZAID), and multilaterals such as the World Bank will need to accommodate an additional player with whom existing links are limited.
机译:背景古巴已通过向医生提供服务以促进服务提供,并为太平洋岛民提供在古巴学习医学的奖学金,将其医疗合作扩展到了太平洋岛国(PIC)。鉴于事先知情同意的人口很少,古巴的参与可能对该地区的卫生系统发展特别重要。本文回顾了古巴在太平洋地区的医疗合作的规模和形式,并分析了其对本区域卫生政策,人力资源能力和总体发展援助的影响。方法我们回顾了太平洋地区有关卫生人力的已发表和灰色文献,包括卫生人力计划和人力资源政策文件。通过与参与该地区卫生人力发展的主要利益相关者的讨论,收集了更多信息。结果古巴在第一次古巴-太平洋岛屿部长级会议之后于2008年9月正式与PIC建立了关系。 2010年,约33名古巴卫生人员在太平洋岛国工作,有177名太平洋岛国学生在古巴学习医学,其中基里巴斯,所罗门群岛,图瓦卢和瓦努阿图的参与最为广泛。古巴对事先知情同意的医疗合作的费用形式为:各国向古巴境内的卫生工作者提供福利和津贴,并为其在古巴的学生返程机票。一些事先知情同意的人认为,这比培训其他国家的医生便宜。结论古巴与事先知情同意的接触虽然少于与其他国家的接触,但为加强该区域的卫生系统提出了一些机遇和挑战。特别是,它使PIC能够以相对较低的成本增加其卫生人力,并将卫生服务扩展到偏远地区。一个关键的挑战是,随着医生人数的潜在增加,一旦当地学生从古巴返回,一些事先知情同意的人可能会面临薪资支出的大幅增加,这可能会极大地拉紧本已紧张的政府预算。最后,古巴参与太平洋活动对更广泛的地缘政治和卫生部门支持环境产生了影响,因为主要的双边捐助国相对较少,特别是澳大利亚(通过澳大利亚国际开发署)和新西兰(通过新西兰国际开发署)以及多边机构(例如世界银行)将需要容纳现有链接受限的其他玩家。



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