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Liver Resection: Prolonged Inflow Occlusion in Human Cirrhotic Livers




To evaluate the tolerance of the cirrhotic liver to extended warm ischaemia, 47 patients with cirrhosis who underwent liver,resection over a 4-year period were studied retrospectively. Three groups of patients were identified. In group 1 (14 patients) liver resection was performed under conditions of portal triad occlusion ranging from 50 to 75 (mean 57.1) min. Group 2 (12 patients) was treated with portal occlusion for a period ranging from 30 to 42 (mean 33.1) min. Group 3 comprised 21 patients who underwent hepatectomy using conventional techniques. Mean blood loss was significantly reduced by portal triad occlusion (819 ml in group 1,523 ml in group 2) compared with the conventional techniques (1652 ml in group 3) (P<0.05, group 1 versus group 3; P<0.01, group 2 versus group 3). Hospital death occurred in three of the 21 patients in group 3 but in no patient who underwent portal triad occlusion. The morbidity rate was lower in the two occlusion groups (four of 26 patients) than in group 3 (six of 21). Bilirubin metabolism was substantially better after surgery in the occlusion groups (P<0.05, groups 1 and 2 versus group 3 at day 14). Although the serum levels of transaminases were significantly raised until day 3 in patients undergoing long term occlusion, the cirrhotic liver withstood the ischaemia-reperfusion insult, as assessed by changes in hepatic microcirculation, lipid peroxidation and the morphology of hepatic sinusoids. It is concluded that prolonged ischaemia during liver resection can be sustained in patients with cirrhosis and without high-risk factors.
机译:为了评估肝硬化对温暖的局部缺血的耐受性,回顾性研究了47例肝硬化的4年肝切除患者。确定了三组患者。在第1组(14例患者)中,肝门切除术在门静脉三联征闭塞的条件下进行,时间为50至75分钟(平均57.1分钟)。第2组(12例患者)接受门静脉阻塞治疗,持续时间为30至42分钟(平均33.1分钟)。第3组包括21例使用常规技术行肝切除术的患者。与常规技术(第3组1652 ml)相比,通过门静脉三联闭塞术(第2组1,523 ml,第2组为819 ml)显着减少了平均失血(P <0.05,第1组与第3组; P <0.01,第2组与第3组相比)。第3组的21例患者中有3例发生了医院死亡,但没有接受三联门阻塞的患者。两个闭塞组(26名患者中的四个)的发病率低于第三组(21个中的六个)。闭塞组手术后胆红素代谢明显更好(在第14天,P <0.05,第1和第2组比第3组)。尽管接受长期闭塞的患者的转氨酶血清水平直到第3天都显着升高,但肝硬变能够抵御局部缺血-再灌注损伤,这是通过肝微循环,脂质过氧化和肝窦形貌的变化评估的。结论是,肝硬化患者且无高危因素时,肝脏切除过程中的局部缺血可以持续。



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