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Posttraumatic stress in intensive care unit survivors – a prospective study




Aims : This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of severe Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms and to identify factors associated with PTSD in survivors of intensive care unit (ICU) treatment following traumatic injury. Methods : Fifty-two patients who were admitted to an ICU through the emergency ward following traumatic injury were prospectively followed. Information on injury severity and ICU treatment were obtained through medical records. Demographic information and measures of acute stress symptoms, experienced social support, coping style, sense of coherence (SOC) and locus of control were assessed within one-month post-accident (T1). At the six months follow-up (T2), PTSD was assessed with the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ). Results : In the six months follow-up, 10 respondents (19.2%) had HTQ total scores reaching a level suggestive of PTSD (N ?=?52), and 11 respondents (21%) had symptom levels indicating subclinical PTSD. Female, five illness factors: coma time, mechanical ventilation, sedation, benzodiazepine, pain relieving medication, and four psychological factors: symptoms of acute stress (T1), fear of death and/or feeling completely helpless and powerless in relation to the accident and/or ICU (T1), SOC (T1) and more external locus of control (T1) correlated significantly with PTSD symptoms at T2. In the linear regression analysis, female, length of sedation, dissociation (T1), hypervigilance (T1), and external locus of control predicted 58% of the variation of PTSD. Conclusions : High levels of PTSD symptoms occurred in 19.2% of respondents in six months following traumatic injury requiring ICU admission. Screening for the variables gender, length of sedation, dissociation, hypervigilance, and locus of control after ICU admission following traumatic injuries may help to predict who will develop PTSD.
机译:目的:本研究旨在评估创伤后重症监护病房(ICU)幸存者中严重创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状的患病率,并确定与PTSD相关的因素。方法:前瞻性追踪52名在外伤后通过急诊病房入住ICU的患者。通过医疗记录获得有关损伤严重程度和ICU治疗的信息。在事故发生后一个月(T1)内评估了人口信息和急性应激症状,经验丰富的社会支持,应对方式,连贯感(SOC)和控制源的测量方法。在六个月的随访(T2)中,通过哈佛创伤调查问卷(HTQ)对PTSD进行了评估。结果:在六个月的随访中,有10名受访者(19.2%)的HTQ总得分达到了提示PTSD的水平( N == 52),有11名受访者(21%)的症状水平表示亚临床PTSD。女性,五个疾病因素:昏迷时间,机械通气,镇静,苯二氮卓,止痛药和四个心理因素:急性压力(T1)症状,对死亡的恐惧和/或与事故相关的完全无助和无能为力/或ICU(T1),SOC(T1)和更多的外部控制源(T1)与T2时的PTSD症状显着相关。在线性回归分析中,女性,镇静时间,解离(T1),警惕性(T1)和对照的外部基因座的长度预测了PTSD变异的58%。结论:创伤性损伤需要入ICU后的六个月内,有19.2%的受访者出现了高水平的PTSD症状。筛查变量,性别,镇静时间的长短,解离,警惕性以及创伤后重症监护病房入院后的控制位点,可能有助于预测谁会发展为PTSD。



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